
No one asked you to join this discussion.   You don't like it, just
ignore it.   Huge duhh factor.

On 7/11/17, Russ George <> wrote:
> Doesn’t someone here have a toilet plunger to help the damned vortex flush
> out all the turds that are stuck here. This endless trollification by the
> unflushable malcontents that did not get their free feed in the trial are
> festering into a terrible stench. Give it a f*ckng break or at least go see
> your doctors and get some new meds, there are remarkably good meds for
> senile agitation these days.
> From: Jed Rothwell []
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 9:03 PM
> To: Vortex
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled
> Kevin O'Malley < <> > wrote:
> The report was credible enough for IH not to move forward on their case.
> Unless you took part in the lawyers' negotiations, you do not know that is
> the reason. It might be because they determined Rossi has no more money.
> There is no point to suing someone who cannot pay. Here is another possible
> reason. Lawyers tell me that it was mainly a contract dispute, and I.H.'s
> counter-suit regarding the contract was weak.
> I myself have no idea why they settled. However, I am sure the Penon report
> is not "credible" in this universe according to our laws of physics. It was
> a gross violation of thermodynamics, as Smith pointed out. Also because
> Florida is not located in a vacuum in outer space. I am pretty sure of
> that.
> Perhaps the people at I.H. worried that a jury might be as gullible as you
> are, and the jury might think the Florida could be in a vacuum, because what
> do those scientists know, anyway? They are a bunch of elitist know-it-alls
> with their "laws" of "physics." They are so sure of themselves, they think
> that when you take photo of a 15,000 pound machine with pipes running to the
> ceiling, the image has to show up in the camera! Why can't it be
> invisible??? Huh? You tell me! And it was equipped with an anti-gravity
> machine which is why the mezzanine didn't collapse. You didn't think of
> THAT, did you, Mr. Elite Scientist.
> - Jed

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