Doesn’t someone here have a toilet plunger to help the damned vortex flush out 
all the turds that are stuck here. This endless trollification by the 
unflushable malcontents that did not get their free feed in the trial are 
festering into a terrible stench. Give it a f*ckng break or at least go see 
your doctors and get some new meds, there are remarkably good meds for senile 
agitation these days. 


From: Jed Rothwell [] 
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 9:03 PM
To: Vortex
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Rossi versus Darden trial settled


Kevin O'Malley < <> > wrote:


The report was credible enough for IH not to move forward on their case.


Unless you took part in the lawyers' negotiations, you do not know that is the 
reason. It might be because they determined Rossi has no more money. There is 
no point to suing someone who cannot pay. Here is another possible reason. 
Lawyers tell me that it was mainly a contract dispute, and I.H.'s counter-suit 
regarding the contract was weak.


I myself have no idea why they settled. However, I am sure the Penon report is 
not "credible" in this universe according to our laws of physics. It was a 
gross violation of thermodynamics, as Smith pointed out. Also because Florida 
is not located in a vacuum in outer space. I am pretty sure of that.


Perhaps the people at I.H. worried that a jury might be as gullible as you are, 
and the jury might think the Florida could be in a vacuum, because what do 
those scientists know, anyway? They are a bunch of elitist know-it-alls with 
their "laws" of "physics." They are so sure of themselves, they think that when 
you take photo of a 15,000 pound machine with pipes running to the ceiling, the 
image has to show up in the camera! Why can't it be invisible??? Huh? You tell 
me! And it was equipped with an anti-gravity machine which is why the mezzanine 
didn't collapse. You didn't think of THAT, did you, Mr. Elite Scientist.


- Jed


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