I though that the document Jed provided a link to indicated that co-generation 
by businesses displaced grid electricity because it was cheaper.    This is 
especially true in Japan where co-generation of electricity using waste heat 
from industrial facilities has lead the world in this area of electricity 

Rossi’s  product to produce heat  should fit well with industries that already 
do co- generation.  Its too bad for the utilities’s expensive and vulnerable 

My local utility currently charges me about $100 per year to feed electricity 
to them which they sell at their regular rate.  The politicians for some reason 
allow such an unfair practice.

Bob Cook

From: H LV <hveeder...@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 3, 2018 2:24:08 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Amazing and overlooked: the big picture of Grid Energy in the 

I wonder what the relationship between age and energy demand ​is like. Given 
that the average age is increasing this might have something to do with the 
drop in demand.


On Fri, Mar 2, 2018 at 2:48 PM, JonesBeene 
<jone...@pacbell.net<mailto:jone...@pacbell.net>> wrote:
Those of us who are completely focused on LENR or new sources for alternative 
energy may have missed the big picture story. We have not been “following the 
buck” so to speak.

That is, when you look at the changes in the supply/demand of conventional 
energy since the beginning of the Industrial age, well… there was a steady 
increase for 100 years. This steady increased came to a peak in 2007.

Since that time over a decade ago  – the demand for Grid Power in the USA  has 
been going DOWN - steadily but slowly  DOWN, despite the economic boom and the 
significant increase in population (including undocumented).

Not to mention the electric car. Tesla alone “should have” increased the demand 
for electrical power. This has not happened.

Here is the story and a graph with an article focused on one supplier - which 
shows that net  energy demand this year will be less than 11 years ago (in 
dollars) -  despite the fact that grid energy prices have gone up. Prices for 
solar and wind have gone down but not the price paid per KWH by consumers. The 
grid suppliers on average are receiving about the same income today despite 
higher prices due to lower demand. It is that simple.

Even the biggest electric suppliers have been caught off-guard since they have 
badly overestimate demand – which never materialized.


This is freaking amazing when you think about the implications of the big 
picture - and if this trend (flat to slightly negative demand) were to continue 
- then the need for LENR would be minimal. Of course, no one thinks the trend 
will continue, but… the same experts did not think demand per person would ever 
have dropped like it has over the past decade+.

Of course, some of this flattening of the demand curve (or actual lowering when 
considered as the more meaningful metric of GWH/GDP*) - can be explained by one 
simple observation(or two). Millions of consumers have been making their own 
power from solar. This does not show up on the books since the grid itself does 
not participate in the transaction (or participates minimally). In fact, it has 
been said that until recently, demand statistics did try to  account for the 
total amount of off-grid power being made since it is not reported as such. 
Another big factor is electric lighting. The LED and the CFL have made an 
enormous contribution to lower energy use since lighting is the biggest 
component of electric power usage. The CFL has more than offset the arrival of 
the Tesla.

*GigaWatt-hrs per dollar of Gross National Product is a meaningful ratio. Using 
this metric, energy demand is way off in 2018 compared to 10 years before…

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