<> wrote:

> My rooftop inverters do not work unless there is a signal from the grid of
> the appropriate frequency and voltage.   That technical feature and expense
> was mine not the Utilities.

The utilities claim they also have to install extra equipment to deal with
rooftop PV systems adding electricity to the grid.

> The utility makes a good deal of money off me,  since I produce most of my
> energy during the May thru September time frame when the wholesale
> electricity costs are greater because hydro power is less available.

Just because their wholesale costs are higher, that does not mean they make
more profit selling the electricity to you. They may not have a fixed
markup. Nowadays there is a free market for electricity in many places.

>    I use very little electricity during that time.  The utility gets from
> me about 3000 kw hrs net input to their grid during that time frame.  That
> amounts to about $300 clear profit to the utility.  The utility loves that
> kind of margin.

Not really. If everyone used such small amounts of electricity the power
companies would go bankrupt. Their equipment, grid, trucks and so on is
only profitable if they sell in large volumes. Many of their costs are
fixed. Such as the cost of a nuclear or coal plant, or the cost of
repairing the grid after a storm. If everyone in Atlanta starting consuming
10 times less electricity, the cost of maintaining the grid would not fall,
and the cost of repairing it after a snowstorm or in day-to-day outages
would not fall.

As you see from the outages listed here, outages are caused by things like
cars whacking into electric power poles, or trees falling on wires. There
would not be fewer cars whacking into polls just because people use less

The same applies to other large-scale industries such as oil, or printing
newspapers and distributing them by houses:

If half of cars were powered by electricity instead of gasoline, the oil
companies could never make a profit with their distant oil wells, offshore
oil wells, gigantic tankers and so on. They cannot scale down their
equipment to meet a much lower demand.

When nearly everyone stops getting newspapers delivered, it will not be
economical for the *Atlanta Journal* to print thousands of copies and
deliver them to one or two houses on a city block. That is already
happening. I am the only one on my neighborhood who still gets a printed
paper. That cannot last much longer. Long ago, I was probably the last
person in Atlanta to have milk delivered to my house by an ancient truck
from the dairy company. There are modern versions of such services that can
be scaled down, such as electronic newspapers or Instacart for groceries.

- Jed

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