In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Fri, 10 May 2019 18:00:18 -0400:
>The net increase in silicon from the input feed is 18%, The net increase in
>iron form the input feed is 28.4%. These increases in the output product
>are so large that such increases  cannot be mistaken for  CO being
>chemically bound as a trace contaminant  either on a short term or long
>term basis.

There was probably no increase in either Fe or Si. These are simply assumptions
that the author made based on the probably false assumption that transmutation
was taking place.

>Face it. 

You face it. While LENR and transmutation may well be real, I seriously doubt
that this is an example thereof, particularly given that a very reasonable
alternative explanation is available.

>You are fighting against a long term assumption about the way the
>LENR reaction and transmutation actually works. 

Not at all. I'm willing to accept that transmutation may have occurred, but I
think that in this case, it's highly unlikely. You simply picked a poor example.

>LENR is a pure quantum
>mechanical process involving superposition of particles and radiation as
>well as non-locality of matter and energy. When particles and radiation are
>in the state of superposition, they travel unobserved and without impact on
>their environment to a field very  from their place of origin while the
>LENR reaction is active.. 

This is pure fantasy.

>This quantum mechanical nature of the LENR
>reaction may be why few LENR experiments show excess heat and/or radiation.
>Experimenters expect to see immediate results, but positive results might
>only be observable until the LENR reaction terminates. Such is the nature
>of quantum mechanics.

Wrong. Contrary to popular opinion, cats are not both dead and alive at the same
time. They are either one or the other. The only uncertainty is in the mind of
the observer, not in reality. Note also that quantum equations reflect the
current knowledge of the experimenter, which naturally changes when a
measurement is done, hence the "collapse" of the wave function is a consequence
of the experimenter having to use a modified equation due to their change in
knowledge as a consequence of having made an observation.
There is no magic involved just a complete and utter anthropocentric
misinterpretation of what's happening. Scientists far too certain of their own


Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

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