I found the ferrosilicon reaction description.

scan on ferrosilicon for placement in the article.


On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 2:18 AM Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I could only find the  Carbon-Iron-Silicon Ternary Alloy Phase Diagram
> (based on 2008 Shaposhnikov N.G.)
> *Diagram Type:* ternary, vertical section
> *Concentration range:* partial composition; Fe97Si3-C0.08Fe96.92Si3
> *Temperature:* 200.0 - 1100.0 °C
> *Nature of investigation:* calculated
> *Remarks:* metastable equilibrium for C-Fe
> I don't beleive that the suspension of the CO gas in Fe-Si exists after my
> search. Please provide a link to your reference.
> On Sat, May 11, 2019 at 12:19 AM <mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:
>> In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Sat, 11 May 2019 00:00:13 -0400:
>> Hi,
>> [snip]
>> >Fe-Si is used to produce cast iron as a purifying agent. Fe-Si is used to
>> >remove carbon from the cast iron melt. If the Fe-Si were contaminated
>> with
>> >high levels of carbon, then the carbon would render the cast iron out of
>> >spec.The final product produced by  the customer of the smelter would be
>> >steel.
>> The carbon isn't in the form of elemental carbon, it's in the form of CO.
>> Regards,
>> Robin van Spaandonk
>> local asymmetry = temporary success

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