The reason why there is no gamma stems from the transfer of spin energy in 
small quanta of angular momentum—nuclear to elecroic—with the same entangled 
system—the crystalline lattice of the host material.  The time frame may be 
very short—less than a femto- second.

The new entangled system in effect changes phase with  to a quasi stable 
condition.    The potential energy of the nuclear components  is lower and the 
kinetic l energy of the atomic electrons is higher with total energy being the 
same.    The higher kinetic energy (thermal energy) is then shared with the 
universe by radiation of EM energy until it comes to a thermal equilibrium with 
the environment at a slow pace compared to a femto-second or shorter pace.

>From my standpoint LANT  (lattice assisted nuclear transmutation) is a more 
>accurate description of the phenomena that occurs in the entangled system,  
>and the 2nd law of TD does not apply

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene<>
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 8:23 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Spacecraft of the Future Could Be Powered By Lattice 
Confinement Fusion

H LV wrote:

> Remember 10-12 years ago the buzz around x-rays from peeling tape?
> If this way of generating x-rays could be harnessed it would make this 
> lattice confinement fusion more economical.

That is a QM effect which does not scale up. The same could be said for much of 
LENR. In addition, it would seem that the Lawson criterion of hot plasma fusion 
would also apply, in a modified (reworded) way to the new and improved 
semantics for lattice enhanced but no longer "cold" fusion. i.e. when we 
observe effective temperature and pressure on the femtoscale.

As for input - an external electron beam of hot fusion could be modeled as 
internal k-shell or l-shell resonant electron. Here is the Wiki site for Lawson.

IOW - one needs only to reduce the geometry of the active site to its actual 
minimal dimension to see the similarity to plasma fusion, except for one big 
distinction.. The lack of gamma radiation remains the main difference between 
hot and (formerly) cold -- and this is where the lattice itself comes into play.

We have to assume that Hagelstein got that part right, or close - and that the 
lattice carries away most of the downshifted excess instead of gamma radiation. 
With that addition, the old "cold fusion" becomes the new QM-lattice-fusion.

It never was cold, was it?

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