Hi Vortex People!

Thanks to everyone that loaned me a piece of their brain.

I'm in complete overload.  Where to start?

On manifolds in spaces:  My last more-smarter question: Is higher-manifold physics theory, encompassing measured anomalies in the 3D +time space, by using the math like linear algebra applied in lots of dimensions (as needed) to represent known operators of a correlate mathematical process-model to real space-timing that predicts force effects. (I do mean math and not maths.)

On scale: I learned from AlienScientist (YouTube) how Frank Znidarsic's alternate-algebra fits a toy-model picture-book I always thought physicists were talking about.  My best guess what you guys represent in grammar.  So I got excited.  My learned response was to be quiet. Still excited.

On Scale:  Superluminal switching speeds are available via tuned-length coaxial signal feeds to switched-antenna segments that are algorithmically-switched as a set comprising one complex oscillator.  At least we would do it that way in the boonies if a super-luminal scale harmony needed contained as a balanced orb of energy.

I've gotten such a download of information from you all.  Big thanks.

Stay tuned for what may hatch.  Not sure.




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