The biggest crime is still ongoing.

Companies like Merck (+ vaccine makers) actively bribe CDD/FDA/WHO to not allow *IVERMECTIN *for CoV-19 treatment. Now the USA state mafia tops this and donates 1.2 billion to Merck for an already failed drug.

See statement of Dr. Kory:

With IVERMECTIN we would have only a few 1000 victims from CoV-19.

India currently only uses *IVERMECTIN.* India cases overall did go down 7x. Delhi that started early has now - after 7 weeks - about 131 cases/day far below USA level.

So you have to learn: Big Pharma does not hesitate to kill you with bad drugs if they want to make money.


On 16.06.2021 00:07, Michael Foster wrote:
I read a lot of scientific papers covering a broad variety of subjects. It's 
how I amuse myself, even though I am not a scientist. Some people play golf, I 
read scientific papers.  I'm sure many of you on this list have noticed that 
papers on research payed for with your tax dollars are not available to the the 
public except through for-profit companies who will charge you an arm and a leg 
for them. The companies that do this are literally making billions doing this. 
Nice, huh?

I can often dodge the pay wall by searching for one of the authors who may have 
published a paper on the same subject somewhere else. Why should I or anyone 
else have to pay to read about research that I and other taxpayers have already 

Given the state of the world today, I was reading a lot of papers on PubMed, 
the NIH website, where you could read literally thousands of papers covering 
medical research. Only about a week ago, I read one that was the most 
horrifying evidence of collusion between our benevolent government and Big 
Pharma. I was going to post the conclusion and summary of this research here 
for all of you to read and a link to the paper. Guess what? That paper has 
vanished and you can now only read abstracts of the papers on PubMed. You now 
must go the usual private company and pay to read research available for free 
only days ago.  I unfortunately didn't save the link or the whole PDF because I 
thought I could find it again with a few key words as I had before. All gone.

I will give you what I remember to the best of my ability the summary and 
conclusion of the research in question. It stated flatly through two double 
blind clinical trials that those suffering from HIV/AIDS could have their 
immune function restored by taking n-acetyl cysteine, an inexpensive and easily 
obtained supplement. The effect was raising the glutathione levels in the body. 
Glutathione is the master anti-oxidant in the human body. You could say that 
glutathione IS the immune system.

What I'm saying is that this sort of information while formerly available to 
anyone looking for it and the ability to understand it, was not likely to 
attract attention, given the type of specialist study that it was. So, for lack 
of informing the general public of this research, HIV sufferers are paying 
nearly $120 per day for medication from Big Pharma versus a few cents per day 
for the n-acetyl cysteine.

I don't know about you guys, but I would call that a crime.

Jürg Wyttenbach
Bifangstr. 22
8910 Affoltern am Albis

+41 44 760 14 18
+41 79 246 36 06

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