Point is -> facebook is not Washington Post. It was a platform for people to communicate among themselves; now censorship is being increased. Facebook is more compatible to telephone conversations than to Washington Post. Would you agree to having telephone conversations censored? And as for your rights -> you don't have the right to censor other people's freedom of speech; if were able to censor other people then they wouldn't have freedom of speech.

------ Original Message ------
From: "Jed Rothwell" <jedrothw...@gmail.com>
To: "Vortex" <vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, 20 Sep, 21 At 14:46
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Copy of "A Brief Introduction to Cold Fusion" without YouTube ads

ROGER ANDERTON <r.j.ander...@btinternet.com <mailto:r.j.ander...@btinternet.com> > wrote:

It is not their constitutional right to censor.

It most certainly is their right! Facebook or the Washington Post cannot be forced to publish an editorial they disagree with. They can censor any opinion or letter they want. If the government were to force them to publish something they disagree with, that would be as bad as forbidding them from publishing an opinion. If the DoE were to force me to upload an editorial attacking cold fusion, that would be as unconstitutional as forcing me to delete these editorials opposing the DoE:

https://lenr-canr.org/wordpress/?page_id=455 <https://lenr-canr.org/wordpress/?page_id=455>

https://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/LENRCANRthedoelies.pdf <https://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/LENRCANRthedoelies.pdf>

Facebook and YouTube have the same rights as I do. They are bigger, and they have more impact, but that does not mean their rights are reduced.

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