> I have been doing more reading about the history of stimulated
> emission. Einstein formally introduced a quantum version of the concept in
> 1917.
> Therefore you might think that it is only possible in a quantum
> context. However, subsequent mathematical work has shown that a form of
> stimulated emission can also arise in a classical (pre-quantum) setting
> when a suitable model of the atom is used.

The key point about stimulated emission is that it exploits the suspension
of superposition exclusion to enable an aggregate system to cohere under a
unitary wavefuntion; the corollary effect being coherent absorption, such
that the initial plasma system can be classically described right up to the
population inversion:  from which point all electrons are bouncing between
peak energy and stable bottom, emitting and absorbing essentially the same
photons in sync..

..so the quantum / classical threshold there is Pauli exclusion; the
spontaneous photomultiplication resulting from collective coherence of the
electron population is a pretty fundamental kind of 'resonance', not your
average harmonic oscillator.

On this key point about coherent absorption as well as emission, see Green
at al "Limiting photovoltaic monochromatic light conversion efficiency"
2001, noting that in PV cells for which recombination is mainly radiative,
a stimulated emission regime could take efficiency arbitrarily close to the
Carnot limit;  his team down in Oz are currently up to ~70% - again, for
monochromatic (basically laser) light - with increasing applications in ie.
wireless power transmission, electrical isolation / firewalling etc., and
obvs much greater range (albeit limited to LoS) than classical inductive
transmission techniques.

A stimulated emission mode / regime is an inherently quantum-classical
system, a unique means of corralling quantum systems distinct from Faraday
and Maxwell et al; the system's propensity to begin lasing a direct
consequence of the quantisation of energy & momentum:  in the tensioned
'population inversion' state, ideally at least, a single photon of further
input energy will inevitably trigger a cascade of absorption and emission
because there's nowhere else for this conserved quantised energy to go, ie.
further input energy catalyses a cyclic phase transition between high and
low-energy states, because the transitions are quantised, and because a
whole bunch of fermions are behaving as a kind of extended quasi-boson,
holding the same quantum-energy states at the same time.

It's that force-feedback dynamic, like a turbine, generating this
low-entropy livewire state of perfect photoelectric synchrony.. coherent
emission AND absorption, en masse..

On a bit of a tangent perhaps, but in his later years GC Huth posited that
the retinal cells of the fovea may form a kind of phase-conjugate mirror,
which may have thought-provoking implications for ie. the nature of eye
contact between sentients, optic nerves essentially being extensions of
cortex:  what if electrons in remote rhodopsin discs are entangled by the
same photons?  'A twinkle in the eye'..  'windows on the soul'.. (woo-wavy

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