Did Boscovich subscribe to a wave or a particle view of light?

I wonder if electrons are "elementary points" and protons are "first order
particles" in Boscosvich's scheme.


On Fri, Apr 29, 2022 at 8:28 AM ROGER ANDERTON <r.j.ander...@btinternet.com>

> Also
> (i) Boscovich theory led to Quantum theory ->
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1vi0yk7BvU
> (ii) Einstein working from Boscovich theory ->
> https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/2197/1/012002/meta
> So progression from 18th century theory of Boscovich to modern physics
> ------ Original Message ------
> From: "H LV" <hveeder...@gmail.com>
> To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
> Sent: Friday, 29 Apr, 22 At 13:19
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Stimulated emission and Pre-Quantum Physics
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 5:44 PM Vibrator ! <mrvibrat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I have been doing more reading about the history of stimulated
>> > emission. Einstein formally introduced a quantum version of the concept
>> in
>> > 1917.
>> > Therefore you might think that it is only possible in a quantum
>> theoretical
>> > context. However, subsequent mathematical work has shown that a form of
>> > stimulated emission can also arise in a classical (pre-quantum) setting
>> > when a suitable model of the atom is used.
>> The key point about stimulated emission is that it exploits the
>> suspension of superposition exclusion to enable an aggregate system to
>> cohere under a unitary wavefuntion; the corollary effect being coherent
>> absorption, such that the initial plasma system can be classically
>> described right up to the population inversion: from which point all
>> electrons are bouncing between peak energy and stable bottom, emitting and
>> absorbing essentially the same photons in sync..
>> ..so the quantum / classical threshold there is Pauli exclusion; the
>> spontaneous photomultiplication resulting from collective coherence of the
>> electron population is a pretty fundamental kind of 'resonance', not your
>> average harmonic oscillator.
>> On this key point about coherent absorption as well as emission, see
>> Green at al "Limiting photovoltaic monochromatic light conversion
>> efficiency" 2001, noting that in PV cells for which recombination is mainly
>> radiative, a stimulated emission regime could take efficiency arbitrarily
>> close to the Carnot limit; his team down in Oz are currently up to ~70% -
>> again, for monochromatic (basically laser) light - with increasing
>> applications in ie. wireless power transmission, electrical isolation /
>> firewalling etc., and obvs much greater range (albeit limited to LoS) than
>> classical inductive transmission techniques.
>> A stimulated emission mode / regime is an inherently quantum-classical
>> system, a unique means of corralling quantum systems distinct from Faraday
>> and Maxwell et al; the system's propensity to begin lasing a direct
>> consequence of the quantisation of energy & momentum: in the tensioned
>> 'population inversion' state, ideally at least, a single photon of further
>> input energy will inevitably trigger a cascade of absorption and emission
>> because there's nowhere else for this conserved quantised energy to go, ie.
>> further input energy catalyses a cyclic phase transition between high and
>> low-energy states, because the transitions are quantised, and because a
>> whole bunch of fermions are behaving as a kind of extended quasi-boson,
>> holding the same quantum-energy states at the same time.
>> It's that force-feedback dynamic, like a turbine, generating this
>> low-entropy livewire state of perfect photoelectric synchrony.. coherent
>> emission AND absorption, en masse..
>> On a bit of a tangent perhaps, but in his later years GC Huth posited
>> that the retinal cells of the fovea may form a kind of phase-conjugate
>> mirror, which may have thought-provoking implications for ie. the nature of
>> eye contact between sentients, optic nerves essentially being extensions of
>> cortex: what if electrons in remote rhodopsin discs are entangled by the
>> same photons? 'A twinkle in the eye'.. 'windows on the soul'.. (woo-wavy
>> hands)
> Interesting read.
> Did you read Bill's post? There are many classical systems which exhibit
> stimulated emission which don't depend on quantum theory. Radiation
> theorists of the second half of the 19th century appeared to dislike the
> notion of anything resembling stimulated or induced emission even though it
> did not violate the laws of physics. Perhaps the concept of stimulated or
> induced emission was in conflict with Victorian sensibilities.
> here is an example
> Absorption and Stimulated Emission by a Thin Slab Obeying the Lorentz
> Oscillator Model
> https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.7567/1347-4065/ab2cc6
> Harry

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