> here is an example
> Absorption and Stimulated Emission by a Thin Slab Obeying the Lorentz
> Oscillator Model

It's a quantitative formulation from classical first principles, sans
Schrodinger.. whereas the wave equation approximates the time
evolution of the wavefunction;  you could describe a stimulated
emission / absorption mode as playing the predictability of
wavefunction's evolution by constantly resetting it at a fixed freq..
or you could probably describe the behaviour in terms of QED and
Feynman diagrams too i expect, all complimentarily w/o conflict.  You
can describe orbital transition energies classically /
relativistically, or Lenz's law in terms of relativistic
self-interaction of a current loop invoking length contraction / time
dilation, or in terms of time-conservation of ambient quantum
momentum, charge and energy..  the whole point about zombie-cat-boxes
being that they're an over-extrapolated conclusion from what is only a
formal approximation;  atoms and photons are obviously real, but is
the wavefunction?  So there's no real dichotomy..  all roads lead to
Rome, we know the SM's incomplete and we're not seeing all the pieces
yet, but the realism / objectivism debate is divided along more
fundamental lines on the nature of causal determinism and the
outstanding possibility (if not logical prerequisite) of non-local
hidden variables..  which in turn segues into philosophical debate re.
distinctions between 'indeterminability' as an inevitable consequence
of conservation and finite nature of quantum information (ie. per
Zeilinger et al), versus the nihilistic anarchy of objective
indeterminism;  you can guess which side of the fence i'm on (tho not
a Bohm fanatic; pilot waves or some variation, perhaps.. but his later
metaphysics stuff i don't subscribe to).

The classic DSE using an electron gun and phosphor-plated screen has
to remain the benchmark gold-standard for demonstrating the limits of
classical physics though - ie. it cannot explain how particles / waves
self-interact even when their transits are separated out in time.  If
not for this singular crazy (dumbfounding!) result, we wouldn't be in
a situation where most physicists are ready to accept such an
oxymoronic imposition as 'acausal determinants'..  but in for a penny,
in for a pound eh..

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