Just an idea, hear me out.

The kinetic mechanism in wrist watches is hardly tapping out the potential
for such a source of energy, the kinetic mechanism I'm sure doesn't give
the wearer any perceivable feedback from the tiny weight, therefore he
could wear 2, or 20 without much issue (at least in regard to force
More practically you could make a larger higher power version also, and for
multiple axes of movement.

Solar cells on the skin of a hearing-aid could add more energy.

This should then be possible to make a hearing-aid that never needs
recharging or battery replacement.

Just how bulky it would need to be I cannot possibly answer, but likely not
especially given the tiny size of the kinetic mechanism in watches.

Obviously it would work a bit easier if listening to head-banger music, or
on a bumpy car journey, or walking, or maybe eating.
Or nodding a lot in agreement, but it seems *sound* to me.

On Tue, 2 Aug 2022 at 23:20, Jonathan Berry <jonathanberry3...@gmail.com>

> Wrist watches of course don't need such frequent replacement, but
> more-over there are both kinetic and solar solutions.
> Solar seems to have won out because it can be charged from an intense
> light source quickly and because you don't need to wear it for it to be
> provided with energy.
> They (at least Seiko's) use a capacitor not a battery to store the charge
> from tiny solar panel's in the watch, these do have a limited life-span,
> but much longer than rechargeable batteries.
> Still there are a lot of devices that are better examples if something can
> be small and last that could use such an energy source.
> Still I can't help but think that maybe kinetic and solar combined might
> be able to provide a hearing aid with enough energy to run perhaps, maybe
> Seiko should look into that.
> On Tue, 2 Aug 2022 at 03:28, Jed Rothwell <jedrothw...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Many researchers have said that experimental devices that produce only
>> milliwatts of power have no practical use. That is true, because these
>> devices are not reliable. Power is not constant, and it cannot be
>> controlled. If it could be controlled, and if the device could be
>> miniaturized, it would have enormous economic value, and many
>> practical applications. So, when you talk to venture capitalists, do not
>> sell yourself short. You should not think that the only
>> commercially valuable form of cold fusion will be in the kilowatt levels.
>> Frankly, I wish the people at Brillouin and even Mizuno would grasp this
>> fact. There is no need to scale up at first. What we need is control.
>> Scaling down to microwatt levels might actually bring in a lot more money
>> at first. Billions of dollars!
>> Frank Gordon has said that the present LEC is 9 orders away from
>> producing 1 kW, which he called a "practical" level of electricity. That's
>> a lotta orders! He thinks they can close that gap by a number of methods
>> that he discussed in the presentation. However, I quibble with the idea
>> that 1 kW is the lowest practical level. I think it is much lower. I wrote
>> to him as follows --
>> A hearing aid battery produces the most expensive electricity
>> Frank,
>> You mentioned that you need to increase power by 9 orders of magnitude to
>> reach a "practical" level of 1 kW. That's not strictly true. Actually, far
>> lower power levels are not only practical, they are extremely valuable. The
>> most expensive electricity a person can buy is produced by a hearing aid
>> battery. This is around 5 or 10 mW. They last about 5 days, so that's 1200
>> mWh, or 0.0012 kWh. You can buy that from the power company for $0.00017
>> (0.017 cents), whereas a battery costs $0.50, I think. That's 2,900 times
>> more expensive per watt-hour. That is quite a heck of a market.
>> A miniature LEC that produces 10 mW of electricity would sell like
>> hotcakes at a huge premium. If it lasts for 5 years -- which I think is
>> possible -- that would be the equivalent of 365 batteries, costing $183.
>> Granted, you can get rechargeable hearing aid batteries for $10 each, but a
>> LEC version would be more convenient and would probably last longer than
>> rechargeable batteries. I think you could get at least $100 for it.
>> There is a similar market for wrist watch batteries. They consume 10
>> microwatts. Your present LEC can almost reach that.
>> There is a gigantic market for cell phone batteries. Cell phones consume
>> 3 W at peak. A thermoelectric chip with a heat-producing cold fusion
>> reaction would make the cell too hot to keep in your pocket. A LEC might be
>> ideal.
>> A cardiac pacemaker battery costs a fantastic sum of money. Power levels
>> are 10 to 50 microwatts. A LEC would be an ideal power source, because
>> replacing a pacemaker calls for surgery which is painful and can be
>> dangerous, so it is better to leave it in place indefinitely. Of course you
>> have to meet very high performance and safety standards, so it would take a
>> long time to develop this and have it approved, but it would be worth
>> millions. Over a million pacemakers are implanted per year. They cost
>> between $4,000 and $6,000 each. Much of the cost is probably for the
>> battery. I expect you are looking at a market worth $1 to $2 billion.
>> So, anyway, when you present the LEC to venture capitalists, you should
>> not say that 1 kW is the lowest "practical" level of power. 10 microwatts
>> is a practical power level. Not only practical, but per watt, is it is
>> worth thousands to millions of times more than power company electricity.
>> - Jed

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