You mean mercury sulfide? Supposedly exaggerated unfounded claims are made about it

Anyway, in case of Ukraine war - West has its narrative and Putin has his. West says Putin is lying but offers no proof. So just the uaually thing in war - all war propaganda and whats really going on - "they" are not telling us

------ Original Message ------
From: "Terry Blanton" <>
Sent: Sunday, 1 Jan, 23 At 03:52
Subject: Re: [Vo]:2023 -- An ominous New Year

Right and they utilize Red Mercury.

On Sat, Dec 31, 2022, 9:06 PM ROGER ANDERTON < <> > wrote:

maybe Zelensky is using it to blackmail West to support him?

------ Original Message ------
From: "Jones Beene" < <> >
To: " <> " < <> >
Sent: Sunday, 1 Jan, 23 At 01:39
Subject: Re: [Vo]:2023 -- An ominous New Year

Yes I remember seeing some of this years ago.

We have to remember that Ukraine was just as corrupt as Russia in the recent past.

The new twist is that the suitcase devices were actually constructed in Ukraine decades ago ... as were other nukes in the Soviet arsenal years ago. The Russian equivalent to Oak Ridge is actually n Ukraine.

The problem now being this - are some of the missing devices in the hands of non-Zelenskyy Ukrainians or ex patriots who may have an agenda which is not aligned with NATO/USA ??

This mystery may explain why Putin has not used a major asset

Terry Blanton wrote:

The missing suitcase nukes hidden in cities in the US is not a new story. I'm sure it was around in the 90s after the collapse of the SU. If NEST hasn't found them by now, well...

Jones Beene wrote:

Can this upcoming year, 2023, possibly be Happy for most of us ?

Consider this: the situation in Ukraine has cast a dark shadow over everything. Basically, Russia cannot win, nor can they fully lose... so long as a nuclear option exists.

Most military experts rule out that option, but they have overlooked one hidden possibility which is now emerging (from the all but forgotten Cold War) - and now we see this predicament turning up in the fringe news. See the video below on the 250 so-called "suitcase nukes" that we have lost track of...

It is sad to think that part of our present predicament is related to control of energy resources, which is a situation that LENR would arguably have mollified or eliminated, if the technology had been adequately researched back in the early 1990s

The Balance of Power, so to speak, would have been different in a world with adequate energy beyond fossil fuels... but of course that conclusion assumes many things...

Speaking of related unproved assumptions which would change things in hidden ways... check out this video which turned up today. There are surprising ramifications given that a preexisting batch of small nukes may have already been planted.., maybe even in DC <>

If there are optimists out there on Volandia  let me add:i

--  Happy New Year !!!

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