On 05.01.2023 19:38, Jed Rothwell wrote:
No, it is a fundamental law of microbiology, established in 1957 by Watson.

This is utmost silly and simply outdated. Watson just found the structure of the DNA and had not the slightest clue of cellular biology.

I can only advise you to buy a more recent text book. May be there you will still miss many things about epi- genetics and how this can lead to DNA inclusions. Of course this path is slow but already the bible referenced it with "seven generations will suffer from your evil" what exactly could be seen by an Israel research team that tortured rats.

I agree that most vaccines are safe. But RNA gene therapy is not a vaccine. Its a forced allergy by a high concentration of one of the worst poison we know...

The safety record of RNA gene therapy is very poor and you can only pray that we will not see more than the current 15% excess mortality we now face world wide.

Switzerland is actually at 30% excess mortality for age > 64. May be some RNA vaxxinated can no longer fight the flue...


Jürg Wyttenbach
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