Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

I tend to agree that the mRNA vaccines are not proven safe and effective
> and likely contribute to an increased rate of mutation.

That is physically impossible. RNA never enters the cell nucleus, except
with a retrovirus, and this is not a retrovirus. It is a fragment of an
ordinary virus. It cannot even reproduce. If viral RNA from a coronavirus
could cause mutations or change DNA, the common cold and every other viral
infection would do this. No species would survive.

The number of spike proteins generated by the vaccine is roughly a million
times smaller than the number generated by any coronavirus infection,
including the cold. Furthermore, nearly all of the proteins are confined to
a small amount of tissue in the arm. So that cannot be a problem.
Furthermore, no RNA survives for more than a few days. Cells produce a
steady stream of RNA. If it was not destroyed by the body, we would turn
into blobs of RNA in a month.

This is high-school level biology.

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