Yesterday I sent the following to 
Yet it was populated -->

--- Robin van Spaandonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In reply to  Paul's message of Mon, 13 Nov 2006
> 11:27:11 -0800
> (PST):
> Hi,
> [snip]
> >Lets simply. Neither experiment A or B have a power
> >source except thermal noise. Experiment B radiates
> >more power. It is a very simple circuit. Over time,
> >more energy is leaving experiment B than experiment
> A.
> >Therefore experiment B will be colder than
experiment A.
> Please forgive my ignorance, but I thought that
> thermal noise occurred as a consequence of a current
> passing through a resistor. A current driven by an
> voltage. I didn't think that resistors actually
> anything by themselves. Hence, I wouldn't expect
> experiment to radiate anything at all (through the
> (The only radiation I would expect would be normal
> thermal radiation, from the body of the resistor, as
> consequence of their being at a specific
> Regards,
> Robin van Spaandonk

Hi Robin,

Thermal noise is caused by vibrating thermal charges
in matter. It's not related to any applied current.
The rms voltage of thermal noise is :

Vn = (4 K T R dF) ^ 0.5

K is Boltzmann constant, 1.3806503E-023
T is temperature in Kelvin
R is resistance
dF is bandwidth

The total noise power in a matched load circuit is

Pt = 4 K T dF

Power across the matched load is

Pt = 2 K T dF

Of course that's not much power, but size is not a
factor.  So the object could be a nanometer.  When you
consider trillions of such objects with say 1 THz
bandwidth then you are in well in the kilowatt region.

2 * 1.38E-023 * 295 K * 1.00e+12 = 8.142E-009 W

1 trillion such objects = 8.14 KW

With just 1 GHz bandwidth, 8.14 W

Paul Lowrance

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