Apologies in advance for not being able to trim this post down to a more manageable size, as it is a compilation of prior postings and is still a work-in-progress.

In chemistry, *catalysis* is the acceleration (increase in the rate) of a chemical reaction by means of an surface interface or dissolved substance, which is itself not consumed by the overall reaction, or at least is easily reconstituted.

In 'chem 101' the student is taught that a catalyst decreases the activation energy gap which must be overcome in a chemical reaction, but cannot increase the net energy available, because the rate of both the forward and the reverse reaction are equally affected. The net free energy change of a reaction is the same whether a catalyst is used or not; the catalyst just makes it easier to activate. At least that is the "mainstream spiel:" zero OU from chemistry !

The SI derived unit for measuring catalytic activity is the "katal," which is moles per second. In a few cases the increase in reaction rate is by a ratio of 10,000,000 to one. Naturally, the free-energy enthusiast has been probing all aspects of this for years, but catalysis 'works both ways' so to avoid the limitation of an "equilibrium" state - immediate changes must be made in the reactants, to preserve a more favorable transitory situation.

OK, that is where we stand in general terms going into 2007. But is there looming, the single exception in all of chemistry to the laws of thermodynamics forbidding that a string of complementary or sequential [chemical only] reactions which cannot be gainful ?

IOW - in all of nature - if there is any singularity where the thermodynamics of a reversible reaction are very slightly asymmetrical, to the tune of even a fractional eV; which energy might be exploitable by providing a high reaction rate? The idea is that the energy deficit is eventually replenished by either ZPE or the Dirac epo-field, probably in the form of the 6.8 eV ionization potential of virtual Ps. But that is fodder for another day. If there is a lone chemical singularity, it will likely involve both 'autocatalysis' and 'superoxidation,' and to that end, consider the following complex situation, which admittedly contains some "problems", as it is not a refined hypothesis yet.

Catalysts, as mentioned, participate in reactions but are not reactants except in "autocatalysis," where the product of a reaction accelerates the same reaction. Naturally if there was even a very slight asymmetry in reversible thermodynamics, then autocatalysis could result in a chemical-only chain reaction - to multiply an imperceptible gain into a useable gain using its own reiterated asymmetry. I suspect that 99% of participants of this forum have written this possibility off as impossible. As had I until recently.

OK -the above is the 'preamble' (pre-ramble) and I hope the stage is set for this revision of an old posting on the subject of peroxide electrochemistry, which has been revised slightly. The original title of this was: "242"... 242 is an important number in nature and for alternative-energy schemes, at least when it refers to nanometers. Google "242 nm" and you will get almost 50,000 hits.

UV light - ultraviolet radiation at wavelengths smaller than 242 nanometers has the property of instantly splitting molecular oxygen (two atoms bonded together) into atomic oxygen (individual atoms of oxygen) with high efficiency. This particular UV photon has a mass/energy of 5.1 eV. Solar photochemistry (and life on earth) depends on this reaction and the regular ozone cycle - in the upper atmosphere:


In nature, this is the start of a chain of events which functions to keep harmful UV from reaching the earth's surface - but the process can also be "engineered" to occur on demand in a reactor small enough to be carried "under the hood". Biomimicry revisited.

It is not efficient to produce UV light from grid electricity, but there are certain surface catalysts, which will operate on O2 in a similar fashion - in order to provide a net energetic effect equal to 5.1 eV, in order to split oxygen. For instance, manganese oxide is the preferred oxygen catalyst for all of organic life. Perhaps it is a singularity in itself. The MnO family operates by shuttling oxygen ions back and forth in its outer shells, and this is possible because of its very large number of facile oxidation "states" -- *eleven in all.*

Of particular interest is the transition between the MnO2 and MnO4 states in an acid solution where the effective "band gap" so to speak, is slightly more than the necessary 5.1 eV. The band gap in semiconductors (or energy gap) is the energy difference between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band. Catalysts bear much similarity to semiconductors in electrochemistry.

There is a chain of coordinated events which is necessary - following the moment when an energetically excited oxygen atom has been "unpaired" from the O2, which will get to the point when that energy can be both OU and useful. When the photon of 242 nm or less [or band gap] encounters molecular oxygen and splits it, either unpaired atom will quickly bond with other molecules to form three-oxygen molecule, ozone - O3. Following this - in the right circumstance (proximity to water) O3 will interact and immediately form hydrogen peroxide - HOOH - which is relatively more stable than ozone, but relatively less-potent as an oxidizer.

H2O2 is one of the most powerful oxidizers known - stronger than chlorine but not as strong as ozone; having an oxidation potential of 1.8 eV versus 2.1 eV for ozone. Otherwise, of course, ozone would not combine with water so readily in order to form peroxide. That reaction is known as *superoxidation* and can be speeded up greatly though catalysis. Superoxidation is the key to finding a thermodynamic asymmetry.

However - and also through catalysis but employing the very same surface catalyst, H2O2 does not *go back* to ozone ! as expected but instead will be converted into two hydroxyl radicals (-OH) each with far higher reactivity (2.8 eV) then the progenitor molecule. That part of the chain of events is potentially gainful, and depends solely on catalysis which is not-exactly reversible. Therein lies the small window of opportunity for finding OU in water-air electrochemistry, with or without solar UV light.

The bottom line is that the 2.1 eV oxidation potential of one ozone molecule is converted into two 2.8 eV (O.P.) hydroxyl radicals, for a net gain of 1.4 eV by going though the circuitous route of peroxide catalysis. The initial 2.1 eV oxidation potential ozone required a 5.1 eV photon and so was not at all gainful. In fact the COP was surprisingly low for that step. But the original photon, at least in theory, can give us two free oxygen atoms, not one, and IF both of them combine into two molecules of ozone, and then both ozone molecules then form two HOOH molecules ... which are catalytically split - then four hydroxyl radicals will be the result [on paper] and consequently the potential COP of the entire reaction could be as high as:

COP = 11.2/5.1 = 2.27

Pretty significant, but admittedly this will never happen so cleanly.... and admittedly oxidation potential is NOT exactly convertible into net energy directly. Nevertheless, this reversible chemical situation, involving superoxidation and catalytic "see-sawing" between: H2O +O <--> HOOH appears to be a singularity.

Arguably, it is the only situation in all of nature where one can show a potential "net gain" in a sequence of probable reversible reactions, which gain is due to catalysis [in a way] but in which the reverse-catalysis is not favored over another branching possibility [and premised on everything in the intermediary stages happening at high efficiency].

Normally the rule of thumb about catalysis will hold - that is, that catalysis cannot supply "net energy" but can only speed up the *reaction rate* in situation where there are energy gaps, or entropic deficits BUT in this one instance, superoxidation, the hydroxyl radical is so favored [and ubiquitous in nature] despite its enormous oxidation potential, that it seems unique.

A singularity? (certainly a mouthful of word-salad, and before breakfast even ;-)


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