Michel Jullian wrote:
 >> I've adapted my own style of physics...
 > No problem, I was only suggesting this as a way for
you to realize you can't do away
 > with PE. Simulation software is usually based on
forces and fields, so indeed it doesn't
 > have to compute energy to solve things. Which
software do you use, something of your
 > own making?

To realize?  It's the only way of doing it without
using magic.  For now I see no reason 
to use a magnetic monopole.  I'll just have to use
what already works, the current loop. :-)

 >> That's an odd statement since it is 100.00000%
 >> incorrect. :-)  No offense intended
 > A less peremptory tone would be more productive.

I am blunt, and make no apologies for it.  When in
error I ***gladly*** admit such error. 
  Saving face IMHO it pitiful.

 > I know about induced emf, my comment
 > mentioned no other current loop around, in which
context it is 100% correct :)

I am sorry, but your statement was clear and
incorrect.  Your quote,
"You keep telling us electromagnets consume energy,
true but that's only because the wires 
are resistive. A non-resistive current loop would not
consume any energy to keep the 
current going."
You said, "electromagnets"   Notice the "s," which
means plural.   You know what?  It does 
not even matter if you meant one electro-magnet
because your statement is still incorrect. 
  Electro-magnets have induction, so you can't even
energize the thing without consuming 
such energy.  Of course there is wire resistance, but
there is also ***reactance***. 
Right off the bat your statement is incorrect. 
Second, we were clearly discussing two 
electro-magnets accelerating toward each other.

Paul Lowrance

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Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.

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