$25 million climate prize offered by Branson
Scientists must 'put their minds to it today,' he says of removing emissions
To encourage a viable technology which will result in the net removal of 
anthropogenic, atmospheric greenhouse gases each year for at least ten years 
without countervailing harmful effects. 
"Today, Sir Richard Branson and Al Gore announced the setting up of a new 
Global science and technology prize – The Virgin Earth Challenge – in the 
belief that history has shown that prizes of this nature encourage 
technological advancements for the good of mankind.  The Virgin Earth Challenge 
will award $25 million to the individual or group who are able to demonstrate a 
commercially viable design which will result in the net removal of 
anthropogenic, atmospheric greenhouse gases each year for at least ten years 
without countervailing harmful effects.  This removal must have long term 
effects and contribute materially to the stability of the Earth’s climate.  
Sir Richard also announced that he would be joined in the adjudication of the 
Prize by a panel of five judges - all world authorities in their respective 
fields:  Al Gore, Sir Crispin Tickell, Tim Flannery, Jim Hansen and James 
Lovelock. The panel of judges will be assisted in their deliberations by The 
Climate Group and Special Advisor to The Virgin Earth Prize Judges, Steve 
Howard (see Editors notes for biographies). 
The timing of the announcement of the Virgin Earth Challenge was particularly 
apt given the recent findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate 
Changes, which last week announced that temperatures on earth could increase by 
as much as 6.4C by the end of this Century.  
The report, the most comprehensive to date from a UN Agency detailed the 
catastrophe results which even seemingly small temperature raises could have on 
our planet:  at + 2.4C coral reefs around the world would become extinct; + 
3.4C would result in the rain forests becoming deserts; an increase of + 4.4C 
would result in the ice caps melting and severe heat waves across the globe 
displacing millions; the IPCC further predicted that sea levels could rise by 5 
metres if temperatures reached + 5.4C which would result in ten of millions of 
climate refugees.  
For the first time ever a 6.4C raise was mentioned within UN predictions. If 
this were to occur it would result in most of life on our planet being 
Sir Richard Branson commented:  “We all now know that something radical has got 
to be done to turn back the tide of global warming.  By launching the $25 
million Virgin Earth Challenge, the largest ever science and technology prize 
to be offered in history, we want to encourage scientists and individuals from 
around the world to come up with a way of removing lethal carbon dioxide from 
the earth’s atmosphere.  By competing for this prize they will follow in the 
footsteps of many of history’s greatest inventors and innovators.  But in this 
case potentially save the planet. It is our hope and belief that the winner of 
The Virgin Earth Challenge will help to reverse the collision course our 
beautiful world is currently on.  They will not only make history but preserve 
history for many, many generations to come. 
However, it is important to remember that there is a real possibility that no 
one will win this prize.  Governments, and their people, must continue to use 
every effort to radically reduce CO2 emissions. “ 
The Virgin Earth Challenge will initially be open for five years; the judges 
will meet annually to determine whether a design has been submitted during the 
previous year that in their view should win the prize and, if so, they may 
award the prize without waiting for the five year period to elapse.  If no 
winner has been selected at the end of five years, the judges may decide to 
roll the prize forward for a further period on the same. 
Al Gore commented at today’s Press Conference:  “Carbon dioxide levels already 
are far above anything measured in the prior 650,000 year record, and just last 
week in Paris scientists gave us their strongest warning yet of the 
consequences of inaction.  So the dangers are clear.  But the opportunities, if 
we take action now, are innumerable, and Sir Richard’s initiative to stimulate 
exploration of this new approach to the climate crisis is important and 
James Lovelock continued:  "To escape the consequences of global heating we 
need far more than Kyoto, far more than renewable energy and sustainable 
development.  What we need is a near miracle to undo the harm that we have 
done.  Sir Richard Branson's hugely generous prize could sow the seeds for a 
miraculous invention that would let us make a sustainable retreat to that lush 
and comfortable world we once knew. We have all spent far too long sleepwalking 
towards extinction." 
Sir Crispin Tickell:  “We need a significant, lasting and harmless reduction in 
the volume of green house gases in the atmosphere.  To this technology can make 
an important contribution.  This Prize is a marvellous encouragement to all who 
have bright and practical ideas on how best to tackle one of the major problems 
of our time.” 
Dr James Hansen, Director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies:  “I 
think we have a very brief window of opportunity to deal with climate change 
... no longer than a decade, at the most. This is why I am supporting the 
Virgin Earth Challenge as a judge – we must explore all means, both known and 
unknown, to help alleviate this crisis.” 
Tim Flannery, author of The Weather Makers, gave a stark warning on the cost of 
inaction:  “If we continue as we are, humanity will so pollute our atmosphere 
this century that we will create another world, the likes of which has not been 
seen for 50 million years. And we will destroy human civilisation in the 
Sir Richard Branson concluded:   “We would also like to call on governments and 
members of the international community to join us in The Virgin Earth Challenge 
by matching or adding to the prize pot available to encourage the greatest 
number of entrants of those who could come up with a solution which could save 
our planet.  If the greatest minds in the world today compete, as I’m sure they 
will, for The Virgin Earth Challenge, I believe that a solution to the C02 
problem could hopefully be found – a solution that could save our planet - not 
only for our children but for all the children yet to come.” 
The creation of the Virgin Earth Prize is one of a number of initiatives 
including investment in renewable energy research, development and production 
as part of Virgin Group's "Gaia Capitalism" project and 3 billion dollar 
Clinton Initiative pledge of September 2006. 
Editor’s Notes: 
Sir Richard Branson comments on the use of Prizes to fuel innovation:  “History 
has shown that Technology Prizes have been invaluable in encouraging 
technological advancements and innovation in many, many areas of science and 
industry.  From the very first recorded prize offered by the British government 
in 1714, offering three financial incentives to the inventor who developed a 
device capable of measuring longitude within a given degree of accuracy.  The 
Prize, which has been immortalised in the book Longitude, was won by John 
Harrison, a self-educated clock maker.  Harrison was awarded £20,000 in 1773 
for devising an accurate and durable chronometer.  
But prizes were not just the domain of the British; in the 18th Century the 
French also used Prizes as an incentive to fuel innovation.  In 1775 a 100,000 
franc prize was offered to the individual who could produce an artificial form 
of alkali – the wining of this prize was to form the basis of the French 
chemical industry.    Today, vacuum packed food in our fridges and cupboards is 
nothing remarkable, but it may surprise some to know that it was actually a 
Prize offered by Napoleon in 1810 which led to Nicolas Appert coming up with a 
method of vacuum packing cooked food in glass bottles – it took him 15 years of 
experiments but in the end won him 12,000 francs! 
It wasn’t long before newspapers and private sector companies became involved 
in setting up Prizes to encourage development in many areas.  The American 
automobile industry was encouraged to grow through inducements to win prizes by 
competing in races set up by newspapers such as the Chicago Tribune in the late 
19 th Century.  Aviation and the development of long distance flying were 
greatly encouraged by similar prizes to those offered in America for the 
fledgling automobile industry. The Daily Mail prize for example, for the first 
flight across the Channel, was won byLouis Bleriot in 1909; and ten years 
later, Alcock and Brown won the Mail prize for crossing the Atlantic. 
Lindebergh was competing for a prize when he flew in the Spirit of St Louis, 
non-stop from New York to Paris in 1927. The Spitfire was the result of the 
Schneider trophy, which was a series of prizes for technological development.  
The most recent technological Prize was awarded in the area of space travel, 
and is one that I have come to know very well - the Ansari X Prize – a $10 
million dollar Prize set up by Peter Diamandis and funded by the Ansari family. 
 The Ansari X Prize was won in 2004 by Burt Rutan and Scaled Composites when 
they successfully flew SpaceShipOne to space and back twice within two weeks.  
The technological feat of SpaceShipOne resulted in the Virgin Group licensing 
that technology to build five space ships and two White Knight carrier crafts 
and has given birth to a commercially viable space tourism industry for the 
future. Using the latest technology in hybrid rocket motors and next generation 
turbo fan engines SS2 and WK2 will be environmentally benign.” "

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