Paul, you seem to think that just because you have used a computer modelling program (LT Spice) that it's predictions are necessarily reality. If the initial assumptions and parameters that were modelled and programmed in are in error it won't be of much use to help us in the area we are looking at. Your EE friends have never, in a real situation, needed to know or even been able to measure the thermally generated voltage noise when there is *no* current of any description, AC or DC, passing though the resistor. Ideally, it could be measured, if it exists, but in the real world there is no ideal instrument. I don't care if your EE friends lol at this - that would just show they don't fully understand what they are dealing with. Your point about several random sources adding up and "BTW, true voltage noise has no upper voltage crest" yet again sabotages your position. By analogy, looking at random thermal molecular vibrations (heat) you might as well say that temperature is only a statistical average - that there exists all temperatures of particles in the spoon - that some in a room temperature teaspoon are at a notional 5,000,000 degreesC. Just try using this spoon to boil a cuppa though - you'll have a bloody long wait for your tea if you wait for a number of random sources to align and give you useable heat above ambient temperature. Let's cut to the chase. Build one of these diode/resistor/LED devices that unequivocally generates significant, useable cohered output - such as photons of a frequency and magnitude sufficient to cause a PV cell to generate, say, 1 continuous watt using only ambient room temperature heat without a lower temperature sink (to give the difference in energy levels that is essential to create work) and I will give you £1,000. Of course once you have done this, then the world will also beat a path to your door but I suspect that hell will freeze over first. You are one amongst countless free energy dreamers - they failed - you will fail too. Your hand waving when pinned down is nowhere near as impressive as such masters of the art as Joseph Newman and Dennis Lee or Joe Champion. BTW, I really think people who use the glass half full/empty "witticism" are half wits.

P.S. Cold fusion is nothing like the free energy quest that has deluded many thousands (however, I'm still hoping Terry Blanton's pet magmo project might work!). CF almost certainly generates energy by converting mass into energy, just in a different situation with different conditions to classic fusion and fission.

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