Nick Palmer wrote:
> Paul wrote:-
> <<Nick, Answer this.  If it is possible to capture energy from ambient
> temperature then wouldn't you want to know how?>>
> I wish you luck in your endeavour.

Please don't leave now.

> <<If I can demonstrate how you can store energy taken from ambient
> temperature then will admit your error?>>
> I will only accept a working device as a true demonstration of your
> assertion.You speculated that this device could power the world. Just
> giving us what you believe to be a watertight theory is not enough.
> Could'a, would'a, should'a won't cut the mustard. Experiment trumps
> theory, particularly way out theories...  Build it and we will come.

Nick, for the sake of truth I am directly challenging you on your statements regarding thermal voltage noise. Again I ask you -->

Question for Nick -->
If I can demonstrate how you can store energy taken from ambient temperature then will admit your error? No I am not trying to trick you with temperature gradients or radiation from radio stations or electric ground potential gradients, etc. etc. I am talking about a device that utilizes thermal voltage noise at room temperature-- Vn = sqrt(4 K T R dF)

Paul Lowrance

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