Michel Jullian wrote:
> To Paul: stop the ad hominem.

Michel Jullian wrote:
> "Charlie, Charlie, Charlie Brown" (sorry couldn't resist), why
> don't you just try this scheme with a single resistor and diode
> in a good Faraday cage rather than spamming us with it regularly?

Terry Blanton wrote:
>> Don't take this the
>> wrong way, but I know with near 100% confidence that a highly
>> motivative person
>> could get your research on the way within four months, top!  In the
>> mean time,
>> you could be thinking of ways to do this on your own by means of being
>> very clever.
> Tom, a friend, tried it with negative results:
> http://mysite.verizon.net/vzesfls5/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/array_complete.jpg
> http://snipurl.com/1c2je

Hi Terry,

Could you please forward the details regarding that photo? We can't tell anything from that photo alone. No offense to anyone, but one just can't solder a bunch of diodes and easily expect a measurable DC voltage caused by noise. Spice simulations are very good at this, and such simulations shows that the choice of diode makes a vast difference and the DC voltage would be extremely small. That's why I have never used such an example as trying to get DC voltage from diodes due to noise. Although it's most likely possible with a clever circuit. Now a LED, which is a diode that emits light, is another story.

Paul Lowrance

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