Er... Jed, are you saying that most CF papers reporting excess heat do not 
report input power (or energy), nor output power (or energy) !? Or just that 
they don't use the term COP?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jed Rothwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Cold Fusion skeptic Dr. Michael Shermer

> Michel Jullian wrote:
>>Since you know them all and for a reason, a link to a CF paper 
>>describing a COP of the order that ED described (6) would be welcome Jed. TIA
> I cannot think of any offhand. Most researchers do not report input 
> electrolysis power for the reasons described by Ed. Mitchell Swartz 
> is the only researcher I know who thinks the C.O.P. is important. I 
> believe he has optimized for it, and achieved some high C.O.P.s. He 
> has not contributed papers to LENR-CANR, and I do not find them 
> elsewhere on the net, so I cannot cite an on-line example.
> - Jed

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