On Jun 19, 2007, at 2:00 AM, Nick Palmer wrote:

Why should we need an English major to verify something that is obvious (except to an arrogant troll).

As a side benefit, an English major might recognize "The gentleman doth protest too much." as a paraphrase of "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." from Act 4, Scene 2 of Macbeth. However, I suspect we might benefit more from a math major to delve into the vast and arcane, but very useful, world of fuzzy logic. See:


OTOH, an English major might expand on the definition and Norse etymology of the word "troll". See:


"A person who posts to a newsgroup, bulletin board, etc., in a way deliberately intended to anger other posters and to start arguments, or otherwise disrupt the group's intended purpose."


Horace Heffner

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