From  Paul Lowrance

I'm a little surprised at the total lack of attentions Steorn is getting in the
alternative and "Free Energy" communities.


Indeed, the much anticipated STEORN presentation could be of historic
proportions. The event could turn out to be one of the biggest
milestones in recorded history. The assumed benefits we all attribute
to a technologically oriented global civilization would appear to have
a chance of thriving indefinitely. ...Or we can go back to a tried and
true nomadic way-of-life, after the planet's surplus population is
pared down by four or five billion.

I suspect many who have lurked or participated AE groups like Vo have
learned through countless personal encounters with the SoHK (School of
Hard Knocks) that it is probably wiser to sit back and observe what
will come out of the presentation. It is assumed to be an interesting,
though perhaps initially underreported, media event. However, too many
times in the past an announcement or a claim of historic proportions
eventually fizzles under closer scrutiny. Many legitimately ask
themselves, what makes STEORN's controversial AE announcement any
different than a jillion other "free energy" claims that have been
made over the years. Skeptics have every right to remain skeptical.

IMO, something to watch very carefully for in the next couple of days
would be whether STEORN suddenly coughs up an unexpected "delay" or
some other convoluted excuse in the long anticipated launch of their
ORBO technology. That might be a bad sign. More of the same old...

For now, all we can do is patiently wait and see what unfolds. At
least it doesn't seem to be a long wait.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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