Paul Lowrance wrote:

I agree.  Here's my method -->

Goal: To freely spread the precise build instructions as quickly as possible:

* Type a short document containing precise details how to build such a device, encouraging others to replicate such a device for personal use and/or for sale.
* Xerox a few thousand copies of such document. . . .

What do you think?

I do not know enough about patent laws to comment.

However, the issue here is not patents or intellectual property, it is how best to introduce a new product. This is something I have done, and I have the scars to show for it. I have seen some Grand Rollout Trade Show Product Introductions go sour. Very sour! As in: the power supplies catch fire, or the software freezes in front of your biggest customer.

You want to keep demos low key. You want to be able to say: "Oops, it didn't work. Okay, folks, let's move on to this PowerPoint presentation instead . . ."

- Jed

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