OrionWorks wrote (not uncoincidentally - on Friday 13th):

For example, I would argue: aren't we all generating
the phenomenon called mind-over-matter without realizing it?

BION - this same, or a similar thought train crossed my mind with
respect to trying to make some sense out of this strange scenario -- of
what looks like intentional self-destruction masking as unjustifiable
optimism. He has-to-be smarter than this.

More specifically that Sean is possessed, shall we say, by a variant of
the messiah complex, but it goes much further than the simple model:


in which he, like a similarly pathetic political figure, feels as if he
alone is in direct communication with a higher source of authority, and
that all the loose-ends of what looks to others like a hopeless
situation, will magically 'fall into place' when the time comes.

In this case, the pathology may actually involve one 'big-picture'
belief component which could be partially correct, and which overwhelmed
better judgment as to the details (that the original OU design is
hopelessly flawed)... and that big-picture part which is valid is that
the "meme pool" (on its own) is inextricably inching forward towards
that critical mass level, or tipping point of underlying knowledge,
which will indeed usher in the Aquarian age of "free energy".

Hey - had to toss in some gratuitous mysticism.

Actually I am of a similar 'big-picture' mind-set as well. However,
moving to the next step in the dramatic progression of this debacle is
the 'fatal-flaw' that he alone: Sean-the-drama-queen ... err... prince,
will be the legend-in-his-own-mind, 'chosen' one, to reap the name
recognition and benefit of this profound gift which divinity is intent
on bestowing at some future date ... He has probably watched the Matrix
a hundred times.

But oops ... as the appointed time approached ... a few problems crept
into play. And as further evidence that he was resorting to a last bit
of desperation-logic, in the kind of warped mentality we see in false
Messiahs: that in order to keep his solemn word - as to the prior
promise of a fixed *date* for the revelation - the original device was
inexplicably abandoned and switched to what is without question a
blatant copy of Perendev-type of motor. This motor probably does work in
OU mode for some extended period of time, properly constructed. There are rumors all over Europe of actual shipments of Brady's machines (possibly inflated rumors). This could not have gone unnoticed in Ireland.

Any true prophet should know by now, that like the (metaphorical) Heisenberg prophet - you may be able to predict end-results correctly but not the timing as well.

Yet Brady himself is apparently also inflicted with the same pathology -
so who knows?

Will the real Messiah-of-OU please stand up ... ;-)


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