Jones Beene wrote:

I can say this with absolute conviction:

This appears to be the same absolute conviction you feel with regard to the notion that Chinese people will spend a million dollars cleaning up a kilogram of used moderator heavy water instead of spending $300 to refine a new kilogram of the stuff, and they will sell the contaminated $1 million water to an unsuspecting customers at a huge loss, and the customers will not notice the deadly radiation it produces. Until a few days ago, people worldwide -- admittedly, even in China -- felt the same unshakable conviction that Chinese hot-bun vendors must be selling meat-buns made from cardboard. It just goes to show that some people will believe any damn thing, no matter how ridiculous. Especially they will believe nonsense that makes people they distrust look bad, and feeds on racist stereotypes, like the pseudo-Confucianist fortune-cookie garbage you graced this forum with the other day, telling us about "the Chinese way."

There is NO single mechanism for CF, or any other form of LENR !!

I do not think many theorists would agree. I certainly see reason to think this. I find it nearly impossible to imagine that many different & unrelated mechanisms and methods of producing a nuclear reaction have all been overlooked for decades, and they were all discovered recently.

Nature usually turns out to be unified, and I would very surprised to learn that cold fusion is anything other than a variation of plasma fusion. Actually, in the future people will look at it the other way around. They will consider aneutronic, safe cold fusion to be normal, and they will think of plasma fusion, with its intense radiation, as an oddball exception at the extreme end of the spectrum. It only occurs in stars, and it is useless for human energy production. It happened to be discovered first, but it will play no role in history after this. Plasma fusion resembles helium. Helium was first discovered in the sun, not the earth, but we think of it mainly as a useful gas here on earth.

- Jed

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