Jones Beene wrote:

Here are the facts: I speculated that first-off the reprocessing was "highly unlikely", and second gave no estimate of what it costs them; but in point of fact, it would be closer to $50 than to one million per kg . . .

Not according to the people at Ontario Hydro.

I do not think many theorists would agree.

That is your opinion, which you had already offered - fine...

Actually it is not my opinion. I have read theory papers even though I understand them only partially, and have talked to many theorists. I have often asked whether they think this is one phenomenon or several. As far as I recall, they all think it is a single phenomenon. Also, recently, there has been growing support for the idea that plasma fusion and cold fusion are the same thing.

. . . but why not ask other theorists for their opinions first, before putting words in their mouth?

I did ask them. "I do not think" was just a literary way of putting it, somewhat Japanese.

Especially ++ Claytor ++

Claytor has not published any theory papers as far as I know.

and more especially ++ Swartz ++.

I have not read many of his papers. Did he say this? In which paper?

These are two of the most important names in LENR and you steadfastly minimize their important contributions.

Claytor is on my list of Notable Papers:

Swartz I do not understand, except for his comments about flow calorimetry, which are wrong. His experiments with small amounts of salts in the electrolyte are interesting but they have not been replicated as far as I know. I seldom put much stock in an experiment that has not been replicated yet, except for a people like Iwamura, who have done superb work that cannot easily be replicated.

Methinks the crux of this silly mini-outburst on Rothwell's part is the recent mention of the fine work of Dr. Swartz... set in the context of Rothwell's prior and ongoing refusal to accept this one individual's enormous contribution -

I have no idea what his contributions may be. Until he is replicated, he has no idea either.

. . . and compounded by the extraordinarily juvenile and disrespectful way in which Mitchell Swartz has been shunned by LENR-CANR.

Swartz has banned himself from his own web site and from LENR-CANR. He refuses to upload his own papers to his own site. I cannot imagine why, but it is none of my business.

Last year he sent me a scanned image of a paper. I OCR'ed, and sent him back the text, and I offered to upload it if he would check for OCR mistakes and provide better graphic images. He refused. Again, I have no idea why or what his purpose was in sending me the paper. Before he sent it, I told him that I convert all papers Acrobat text format. Why did he bother sending it if he does not want that? Perhaps he sent it and then refused to allow me to convert it so that he could complain to people that I refuse to upload his papers. To give himself a reason to complain, in other words. Who knows? Who cares?

If he tells you I have "refused" his papers, ask him why he does not upload those same papers to his own site.

- Jed

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