Someone (who wishes to be anon) wrote the following to me recently. I'm interested in the thoughts and comments in response to it from Vortexians:


The ERAB council "proved" that cold fusion isn't DD fusion. The point is, "So what?", there are a zillion nuclear reaction paths that are exothermic, other than DD (well, there are a large number and basically every path that takes a neutron from a deuteron and gives it to any other atom is exothermic...including by the way, if it goes to a heavy nucleus above iron, that is also exothermic, something many people don't realize given that we are told that fusion above iron is endothermic...iron plus iron is endothermic, but iron plus a neutron is exothermic in the Fe (d,p) Fe +1 reaction path. I have had nuclear fusion scientists be confused by this one until they thought about it for a while.

So, proving that cold fusion wasn't DD fusion was a trivial and silly accomplishment. It absolutely didn't prove that cold fusion wasn't nuclear. And, IMO, cold fusion is neither cold nor low is some sort of blazing hot high energy nuclear reaction path just like every other nuclear reaction.

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