Jones I think you need access to a lab to follow up on your many ideas. In fact, a bunch of us could use occasional access to a decent lab. We need a benefactor or foundation to build a lab for amateurs, and accept proposals and provide supplies and help, a bed and laundry. I suppose demand would far outstrip supply though. Apparently at least one such lab should be located in Salt Lake City. Universities could be pretty handy partners, at least some, because they have lots of unused equipment in storage to scrounge through. A 50-50 cut on any intellectual property developed at such a lab might pay the bills for the place eventually.

On Jul 22, 2007, at 6:39 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

Letts demonstrated the effect in 1993 in the laboratories of ENECO in Salt Lake City, in the presence of two PhD's: John Bockris and Gale Thorne. He was able to demonstrate a clear connection between the presence of a few milliwatts of RF at these frequencies and an increases of several watts in the thermal output of Deuterated Palladium systems but... get this ... he was never, thereafter, able to re-create the effect in Texas despite much effort !!

Again - one wonders about three particular variables which are generally unaccounted for in LENR experiments:

1) Location - There are a number of peculiarities about Salt Lake City and other locations- high altitude, dryness, a large body of brine (giant capacitor ?) Fred Sparber has hypothetically connected this location to the success of the Moray device - as well as to P&F.

2) The Heavy water itself:  the ratio of 18O/16O and/or metastability

3) The Tiller effect. Is that effect heightened in an area where other strong beliefs are prevalent?

To counter these 3:

Perhaps cryogenics is the one additional factor which would nullify the importance of these unaccounted variables- which can make a marginally successful experiment seem more robust than it should...

Horace Heffner

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