I wrote:

He claimed that the fusor self-sustained on at least one occasion . . .

Correction: on several occasions, like the man said:

"Dr. Farnsworth reported that his team achieved a self-sustaining reaction on several occasions...and could repeat the effect."

I do not know why I recalled this as only one event. I guess I am used to one-off cold fusion experiments. All too often they work once spectacularly and never again.

I do not know if Vassilatos' account is accurate, but he seems to know his stuff. His references are as follows:


Farnsworth, E. "Distant Vision". Pemberley Kent Publishers, Salt Lake City,
Utah. 1989.
Dollard, E "Wireless Power".Borderland Science Publishers. Whitethorn,
California. 1989.

Halloran, A.H. "Farnsworth's Cold-Cathode Electron Multiplier Tube", Radio
(October 1932).
"New Amplifier Amazes Radio Engineers", San Francisco Engineer (March 5,
Smith, Gene,  "ITT Hopeful On Experiments To Harness H"

- Jed

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