Climate change 'significantly worse' than feared: Al GoreHarry Veeder quotes.. 
Al  Gore

The brunt of this climate crisis is going to be felt in the developing 
world. All your work... will be undone if you don't focus on this," Bono 

"It is clear that those people who have least created this climate crisis... 
are the least equipped to deal with it."

Gore added: "I want to say to everyone who wants to solve the climate 
crisis, they have to take Bono's agenda on extreme poverty, on fighting 
disease and dealing with the HIV/AIDS crisis and make it an integral part of 
the world's effort to solve the climate crisis."

Howdy Harry,
At some point in time it becomes necessary to  recognize  some problems have no 
solution tasks and simply turn your head in a stance of inevitiability. Al Gore 
has profited by profiling global warming and Bono the same with Africa but 
neither have a solution.

Africa is imploding in on itself, with any attempt to help being frustrated. 
Climate changes occur but any attempt to modify climate is futile. All the 
feeding of guilt will not solve insoluable problems. 

The biggest problem in the world is jealousy, vanity, lust and greed. Add drugs 
to this equation and witness a decay in civilized society. 
An attorney friend remarked tha he no longer knew what justice is as a result 
of his work in the court system.
I explained the definition of the word "justice" as  " love of order, that 
which preserves it, we call justice."

Neither Al Gore or any of the politicians in or from Washington hold legitimate 
credentials to speak to the American people on issues they help create. 
Not because their political position in failing us.. but.. by their lack of 
moral leadership. What did they and the politicials of either party expect in 
their constant degradation of congress and the constitution they were sworn to 
defend and protect.


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