Ed Storms wrote,

The response to this deterioration is to apply more force and power.
Make people behave rather than give them the freedom and reason to
behave. If you want to find the reason for the decay, you might consider
this one.
Meanwhile the basic beliefs behind the
religious philosophy are ignored in an attempt to force compliance with
a few emotional issues.

Howdy Ed,
While I have trouble reconciling your words " force" and " make" to co-mingling the words with religious philosophy, I suggest we are on the same page, just viewed from a different angle. The simple premise of justice mentioned as " Love of order. That which preserves it. we call justice " holds for concept but does not define the act of justice which is the purpose of the courts. An interesting sign hanging over a judge's wall states " All who seek justice labor here". A wise saying in that it does not claim justice will be found. Lawyers sure spend a lot of time searching for justice in our hip pocket. Actually, there is no such thing as perfect justice other than perfect mercy.

It is true that ole Solomon asked for wisdom to discern knowledge to make judgement calls for the people, it is also true that he sure was poor example himself. How an intelligent man could wind up with 300 wives and 600 concubines is anybody's guess.. but that seems to be the way religion and justice can be mixed and interpreted provided you are using somebody else's money. I sorta think like my lawyer buddy.. justice is administered best from the business end of a gun.. provided one has the stomach for it. What is happening in Africa is an example of man's inhumanity to man. What is happening to the world environment is criminal. Look at the huge dead dark area in the Gulf of Mexico off the mouth of the Mississsipi for a horror story.


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