On 28/1/2008 8:28 AM, Jeff Fink wrote:

> Edmund Storms wrote:
> It's the attempt to solve a problem that is important.
> An ill conceived solution will make matters.  Let us not waste resources on
> crazy solutions, but use them to adapt if necessary.  We cannot save
> civilization by dismantling civilization.
> I saw a science show on Saturday that said global warming will cause the
> sahara to get green again, and then they called that a bad thing!  How can
> that be bad if it was once green?
> Change happens.  Change is continuous.  Something somewhere gets better,
> something somewhere else gets worse.  Animals adapt.  But, we humans don't
> want to adapt.  We want to stop change, no matter what the cause of the
> change, rather than adapt.
> We want the sea shore to stay right where it is now, everywhere, and we will
> commit unlimited resources to make it so.  At sometime in the past, evidence
> shows levels higher and lower on this planet.  It changes continuously.  Let
> it go.  Adapt!

Adapt or die! ;-)


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