On 5/2/2008 7:55 AM, R.C.Macaulay wrote:

> Harry wrote..
>> Is this intended as an argument against an "eternal" universe?
> Didn't ask that question, Perhaps you can give your insight on the subject.

I was trying to understand your remark.

>> The measure and the thing being measured are not necessarily one and the
> same thing.
> You may have become attached to the unattached to make such a statement. A
> simple explanation of a yardstick will suffice but please include your
> reason for "knowing" measure rather than the thing being measured..

I didn't say it is better knowing measure.
A doctor can measure my height with a yard stick but that
doesn't mean she knows me.

>> Time is a watch?
> Watch the pointer hands on a watch move as it ticks. Do you happen to notice
> something strange ? You must "wait" for the hands to circle the face.

We wait for many things.
Sometimes we wait for the sun to go down or for the rain to end.
We wait for the movie to begin. We wait to use the toilet...

> Folks at the Dime Box Saloon hoss shoe pitching and debate society eagerly
> await your wisdom on the subject, and pass me down that jar of pickled eggs
> on the bar while you've  thunk about it.
> Richard 


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