I am home on a short break between contracts.  I have conducted  another 
experiment.  I placed a 26 gauge palladium wire in a heavy water  electrolysis 
cell  (the wire was from surperpure chemicals  Inc.)   The anode was a nickel 
wire (which dissolved and was replaced  ).
I applied 9 volts across the cell for 3 days.  I stopped the  experiment when 
the heavy water was depleted (The heavy water was obtained from  United 
The palladium cathode wire was connected in series with a radio frequency  
tuning capacitor.  This capacitor was salvaged from an old radio years  ago.  
The RF tank circuit was stimulated by injecting sparks into it.   The 
oscillations in the RF circuit were observed on an oscilloscope.
After each spark the tank circuit oscillated and the oscillations died away  
in about 15 cycles.  The tuning capacitor has a turndown ration of about 4  to 
1.  Four sections on the capacitor were ganged in and out to obtain a  the 
range of 1 to 60 megahertz.
The experiment was designed to employ my megahertz-meter  relationships.  The 
palladium wire was about 1/10 of a meter long.   The stimulation frequency 
was varied from 2 to 60 megahertz using the  tuning capacitor.  No anomaly was 
observed at 10 megahertz.   No  anomalous electrical energy was ever detected.
The intent of the experiment was to form a Bose condensate of deuterons by  
increasing the strength of the phonons that bind the condensate.  I believe  
that my 1.094 megahertz-meter relationship describes the frequency of the  
binding phonons.
I believe that the experiment failed to produced anomalous energy because I  
could not obtain the required D2 loading.  Cold fusion is hard.   Controlling 
the natural forces is even harder.
I have at this point done all I could do.  As I packed up I got the  feeling 
that I was putting my equipment away for life.
Frank Znidarsic 

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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