In reply to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s message of Sat, 23 Feb 2008 18:16:41 EST:
Hi Frank,
>Assuming your coherence length is at least proportional to the De  Broglie
>wavelength (L_DB) and 
>L_DB = h/p and
>p = sqrt(2*m*E)  where E = kinetic energy, we get
>L_DB = h/(sqrt(2*m*E)) .
>Since,  as you state above, the energy is "the same" irrespective of type  of
>particle, we see that L_DB is in fact shorter for heavy particles than it  is 
>light ones (the mass is in the denominator). IOW I would expect the  coherence
>length of electrons to be sqrt(1836) ~= 43 times greater than that  of 
>IOW I think your quest for heavier particles may be  misguided.
>I believe that you are way off using the deBroglie wavelength as the  
>coherence length.
>In superconductors the state of the electron can equal the length of the  

Do you have a reference for this? All those, that I could find, mentioned the
coherence length in superconductors as exceeding the distance between the
electrons in a pair (not difficult).

>This is much longer than the deBroglie waveleigth.

The De Broglie wavelength at 4 K is about 66 nm, which seems about right, if the
inter electron pair distance is to be less than this.

>I believe that the coherence length is equal to the downshifted Compton  

Do you have a formula for this, and how does it differ from the definition of
the De Broglie wavelength?

BTW, did you notice the "Fermi velocity"?


Robin van Spaandonk

The shrub is a plant.

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