--- Lawrence de Bivort wrote:

> Jones, in fairness, your truncation does miss my
point. Repost with the full quotation beyond the '...'
and I'll be glad to respond.

Yes, no problem. I hate it when someone does this to
me, even if I find myself agreeing with the strained
point which they were making by using only the
truncated part of a message.

Here is the complete paragraph of LdB: 

"My sense is that everyone does the best they can -
all the time. It is perhaps the greatest tragedy of
mankind that we can see better ways of doing things,
but are stopped from pursuing them by the tired
'realities' of money, competing priorities, and
disagreements among ourselves."

Let me say that in the context of GM and Ford, they
are giant companies which do not, or should not,
suffer those same "tired realities" which do keep most
of society from moving ahead at full pace ... at least
they only suffer from what is self-imposed by internal

IOW - They have the money (or at least the good credit
;-) which would allow them to pursue a grander vision,
rather than the tunnel vision of maximizing short term
IOW the "competing priorities" of Ford and GM are
those which are imposed by their own incompetent

Perhaps Lawrence, who may have some contact with these
companies, will be far more diplomatic on that general
assessment, but he can speak for himself.

And- as to their internal disagreements (Ford and GM)
these too are due precisely the result of the
shortsighted corporate culture in which they chose to
perpetuate and wallow - this is a culture where the
bottom line, not the customer nor the environment, nor
the public's concerns, predominate.

In short, there may be only a small net disagreement
between my view and that of Lawrence, except that he
may be more forgiving of high level management at
these companies. 

And yes - it is too easy to be critical, or make
untested suggestions, from an "armchair"
perspective...  and that is one reason that in the
original posting, instead of only complaining, I chose
to introduce a concept which in fact, I know that they
have been exposed-to in the past, but have declined to

How do I know this? Well, both companies own patents
which go part of the way there, and in addition I have
also in the past submitted RFPs to both companies,
which they declined, but for reasons which contradict
what their own patents and IP claim to be accurate. 

IOW there is a massive "high level disconnect" at both
companies, between management and what little creative
staff they can tolerate- and ample evidence of
"Peter-Principle-type" incompetence, deserving of
public scorn- even by "Monday morning quarterbacks"...

... ain't hindsight great? 20-20 as they say.


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