This outlines some of the theory behind hydroxy gas production in the Bob Boyce 
resonance drive systems we are building, similar to the Stanley Meyer's system 
as described below:
  The electrolysis process is not dependent on energy. From Arrhenius theory, 
molecules in solution dissociate into ions and the ions are collected at the 
electrode. No energy is required for ionic dissociation and electrolysis 
processes are so efficient that they are used to measure current. When the 
Arrhenius theory is applied to the dissociation of water, the key requirement 
to produce 1 mole (~1 gram) of hydrogen is that 1 Faraday of electricity flows. 
If it is assumed that the hydrogen is produced by passing 1 amp of current for 
96,494 seconds (1 Faraday = 96,494 coulombs) at 1 volt, then the energy needed 
is ~96.5 kJ. That same 1 gram of H2 is capable of releasing 285kJ during the 
combustion process with oxygen. The process of producing hydrogen from water 
usually requires an electrolyte to produce it in quantities. Polarization 
occurs at the electrodes with hydrogen collecting there. A number of methods 
are known for improving the efficiency of the process. In theory
 the process can be made energy efficient without a breach of any of the laws 
of thermodynamics. Meyer has obviously discovered some method of collecting the 
hydrogen different from the traditional methods. 

  In ordinary water a small amount of the water dissociates into hydrogen and 
hydroxyl ions. These ions are immediately hydrated. The amount dissociating 
depends on the purity of the water and in very pure water is equal to 1 part in 
10 million (10^-7), or a pH of 7. Normally ordinary water is described as 
non-conducting. The process has never been fully explained. Hydrogen and 
hydroxyl ions are constantly being created and then decaying back to water, but 
there is always a balance between the numbers ionized and the numbers in 
solution. Under normal electrolysis these ions can be swept to electrodes and 
neutralized with the opposite charge. Hydrogen and oxygen can be produced. 
However, with conventional circuits, the energy used in collecting the hydrogen 
is greater than the energy that is available from the hydrogen. Meyer has 
utilized a novel electronic circuit which produces high voltages but prevents 
currents from flowing. This circuit is similar to a classical forced
 oscillation circuit where charge q can go to infinity. The power to this 
circuit is coming from an alternator which is across a stainless steel 
capacitor with water between the plates. The dielectric water itself provides 
the charge to charge up the capicator and create the high voltage. This charge 
comes from the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. The more charge that flows the more 
the voltage builds up and the more ions are pulled out of solution. The circuit 
has a high frequency of the order of five kilohertz superimposed through the 
windings of the field coils. In addition, the circuit is half-wave rectified to 
allow the capacitor to discharge. On the charging up side the ions are pulled 
out of the dielectric and moved towards the metal electrodes. On the 
discharging side they may go back into solution. The circuit succeeds in 
increasing briefly the number of ions which are out of solution. A portion of 
these ions are able to form hydrogen and oxygen by normal electrolysis
 type processes. The hydrogen and oxygen bubble to the surface. The circuit is 
novel in that it is a form of electrolysis but there is no need for any net 
current to flow. While the voltage applied is zero, the ionized charges are 
able to recombine without flowing around the circuit and using energy. 
Theoretically, there is no reason why the process cannot be totally efficient 
in producing hydrogen and oxygen. The efficiency depends on the tuning 
frequency of the LC circuit and having this balanced with the mobility of the 
ions and the spacing between the plates. There may also be a need to allow a 
definite relaxation time after each pulse, to increase the period in which the 
ionized charges may recombine and hydrogen and oxygen may be collected. The 
process does not defy the laws of thermodynamics in that the energy comes from 
the energy of dissociation of the molecules. A portion on the molecules are 
dissociating and associating automatically all the time. In the normal
 course of events, this does not change the energy of the water. This process 
interrupts this cycle and allows a person to form water in the stable state of 
diatomic hydrogen and oxygen. The process is not dissimilar to the vaporization 
of water which takes place naturally. The water forms clouds, then rain. Rivers 
flow and energy is extracted from the rivers. The difference is that it is 
possible to carry out the cycle under laboratory type conditions or industrial 
type conditions and extract the energy in the form of hydrogen. By developing a 
process to utilize the hydrogen ions directly on formation, a great deal more 
energy will be available and this is Meyer's intention in terms of adaption of 
his fuel cell for an ordinary car. In addition, he utilizes laser light to 
stimulate the transfer between energy levels and increase the efficiency of the 
process. This process would equally explain the explosions in water performed 
in the University of Kansas which have been
 recorded in literature. Deuterium present in the water will be selected out 
during the reaction and the water remaining in the condenser will become 
deuterium rich which will inhibit the process. In the process, gases absorbed 
in water are preferentially desorbed. These amount to ~3 wt% water. It is not 
clear if they play any significant part in the process. In addition, impurities 
in the water are taken out of solution. On the basis of the theory proposed, 
the process could continue indefinitely, the energy effectively coming from the 
zero point energy of vibration of the atoms in the molecule. This is assisted 
by the infrared radiation from the surroundings so that the whole device will 
act as an efficient heat pump. The deuterium vibrations will be similar in 
frequency to the hydrogen vibrations. Resonance effects between the two 
vibrations may also contribute to the process. If this is a serious contributor 
to the process, then the water produced from the hydrogen and
 oxygen will be less likely to produce further energy as the deuterium will 
have largely been selected out in the total process. There is no reason to 
believe this is the case and in any event the balance will be restored by 
nature mixing the water formed with normal water vapor. 

  Where does the energy come from? Effectively, the water molecule is 
marginally unstable in water solution and is constantly acting as a 
'radioactive' molecule, tossing out H+ and OH- ions. The energy of the process 
comes from the formation energy of these ions. 
  Born-Haber Cycle For Meyer Process (similar to Boyce process): 
All energies in kJ/mol 
H -OH Dissociation Energy + 494 
H+ Ionization +1310 
Hydration of H+ to form H3O+ -1075 
Electron Affinity of OH - 223 
(Assumed affinity is between that of O and Cl) 
  Total: 506 kJ/mol 
  In normal water, a portion of the ions are dissociated. For pure water, this 
is one in 10 million (10^-7) or a pH of 7. Initially, H+ and OH- are formed but 
are immediately hydrated to H3O+ and OH-. From the above for the H3O+ and OH- 
ions, the energy of formation is 506 kJ/mol. The process occurs natually 
without any electrical input, etc. If these ions are removed, more are produced 
by the water. This process can be explained by quantum mechanics. The atoms in 
the molecule will have a 'zero point energy' of vibration and therefore there 
is a finite chance of dissociation. With high electric fields, this chance 
would be greatly increased. (See pages 520 and 521 of Fundamental Atomic 
Physics, Tomlin). The release will also be affected by the presence of other 
oins which again affect the potential. Once released, the full energy of 
dissociation will be available as energy. 

  The hydronium ions and the hydroxyl ions formed by this process may form 
gases by the following process: 

  H3O+ + Metal --> Metal+ + H + H2O 
H + H --> H2 Release of 436 kJ/mol 
OH- + Metal --> Metal- + OH 
OH + OH --> H2O2 
H2O2 --> H2O + O Release of 49 kJ/mol 
O + O --> O2 Release of 491 kJ/mol 
  Overall reaction: 
4H3O+ + 4OH- --> 2H2 + O2 + 6H2O 
  As it takes 2 H atoms to form H2, only half of the energy of the 436 KJ will 
be involved in the process. 
As is takes 2 OH to produce H2O2, only half of the energy of this reaction will 
be involved in the process. 
For the formation on O2, it will take 4 OH radicals and therefore one quarter 
of the energy will apply in this case. 

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