--- Robin wrote:
> This is the key faulty assumption. It is not 1 V. It
is 1.48 V (and that is per hydrogen atom, not per
molecule). Hence the energy input is at least 2 x 1.48
x 96.5 kJ = 285 kJ, i.e. just what you get out of
burning it. Sorry, no free lunch.

Yes, although you can get a few bubbles on the cathode
at lower voltage, it is not significant for commercial
use. Even at 1.48 volts per plate, the rate of H2
evolution (current draw) is too slow for practical
use- thus the most efficient commercial units operate
at closer to 2 volts and are no more than 75%

Given that there is a fairly large market for H2 "on
demand" now, if simple DC electrolysis could really be
done at any lower voltage, or with improved yield by
using any simple method such as high voltage, then it
already "should have been" done by these claimants in
order to meet this high demand for H2 on demand, for
welding etc. 

... except for the caveat which Robin mentions, of the
occasional - anecdotal situation. Indeed, there are
many glimmers of techniques which appear to do much
better than Faradaic but not "on demand" nor in a
strict scientific setting; and which most often do not
use low voltage DC at all .... AFAIK there is no
convincing evidence that Stanley Meyers ever
accomplished any anomaly at all. 

Those who actually witnessed his dune buggy conversion
(and there are several on Vortex who did witness it in
person) agree that yes it would run for about 20
minutes (but no more) on self-generated water
splitting. This period of apparent self-power is (not
uncoincidentally) about the maximum amount of time it
takes to burn all the residual hydrocarbons out of an
old carburetor, and/or the crankcase oil film off the
cylinder walls of the notoriously leaky VW boxer

If there are real anomalies out there, and IMHO there
are some bona fide anomalies which are at least "not
yet disproved", then it is from those who may have
found a way, as Robin mentions to use the redundant
ground states of hydrogen, especially a plasma, or
else have found a way to increase the probability of
QM tunneling, or other methods which go beyond surface

There was a gathering this past week in Maryland of
hydro-booster enthusiasts, but none of the forums
which I have been monitoring for the past decade have
made any announcements which indicate that any real
anomaly was achieved or demonstrated there.
Hydro-boosting with a small amount of brown's gas,
hydroxy or whatever silly name you want to pin on it -
is FACT, not fiction, but that is a long, long way
from self-power.

If you want to start doing water-fuel experiments
based on the work of a paranoid nut-case inventor,
then you will have much better success building on
Paul Pantone's GEET system, as the French have done,
than on anything Meyer ever did.


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