Hey Col. Cathcart and other vorticians,

Are you ready for a major, major development in the
field of baking ? 

Ha, here's the "catch" ... and it reads more like
biomimicry "reflux" than "redux".

Begin with baking soda. Yup. Good-old sodium
bicarbonate- NaHCO3- which is the natural salt found
worldwide in vast desert deposits of soda ash or in
the mineral "natron" or trona. Although it will not
burn, and seems fully oxidized, that conclusion could
be a bit hasty, due to new R&D from China (RoC). 

BTW NaHCO3 is also a candidate mineral for CO2 capture
(and in facilitating Algoil production) but that is
another story.... (albeit the story which actually led
to this posting).

Often this mineral trona is found in dry lake beds- in
places like "Death Valley"... but if you read on, the
case can be made now that this desolate place is more
like "Life Valley" in that in the numerous hot springs
there, we find a mirror image of the way life may have
begun on earth ;-)


This spot in the West has enough of the stuff (trona)
to supply the US demand for oil for centuries ... 

"fonly" (fonly = if only = ~Catch-22). How so? 

Next we must add-in the factor known as "relfux"
(hydrothermal chemistry)...

It all goes back to the basic class of carbohydrate
chemicals called 'phenols' and the natural process
known as 'hydrothermal chemistry' and the fact that
phenols can be formed from soda directly in certain
natural conditions !! (that is the new claim)


If you think about the implications, this is huge ....

Four billion years ago, it now seems likely that life
on earth (or the 'feedstock' for life) began from
phenols and from derivative proteins which them self
were first made naturally in hot springs from natron
via the process of hydrothermal chemistry. 

Thus the biomimicry.


BTW: Phenols -or more precisely: fuels easily derived
from them, burn like diesel oil but are just as
valuable for plastics and other products.

Now down to the nitty-gritty. Here is the recent
journal article (letter) of interest (from Taiwan):


"Hydrothermal Reactions from Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate
to Phenol" Tian, Yuan, et al.

Now- you tell me- am "I reading too much" into the
energy implication of this development ? Maybe. 

This is NEW R&D- possibly groundbreaking- possibly
even of Nobel caliber, and yet as of now NOT widely
accepted (or even widely known among biochemists) in
the USA -- (part of the 'not invented here'
syndrome?). Even the authors do not seem to comprehend
the implications.

Anyway- If the article and experiment are accurate -
and is soon duplicated, then this could be a MAJOR
MAJOR development towards energy independence... in
the end, it all gets back to 'supply-and-demand'

And no one knew that M.O. better than a fictional
opportunist ... speaking of which (Major Major): where
is Joseph Heller when we need him? It's been 47 dry
years since we have had reading material of that
caliber ... which for some of us is a greater national
disgrace than the anemic official response at DoE to
the energy crisis (and the snubbing of LENR) ....


Happy Baking,


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