--- OrionWorks wrote:

> For those interested, it would appear that
Blacklight Power has announced another milestone in
its never ending quest to legitimize ...

Steven - not that anyone needs it, but here is one
more reason to harbor some doubts and suspicions about
the timing, if not the reality of this "milestone"
announcement from BLP about their "new" reactor...

This is not to say that it isn't legitimate, or
anything like that ... 

... and - being that you are a visual artist with
computer programming skills, you may appreciated this
bit of overlooked detail.

Drag the jpeg image which accompanies the announcement
of the new reactor:


... to your desktop (oops somebody forgot to lock it)
and then hold the cursor over it, so that XP can read
the Kodak info file and time stamp; now look at the
exact date when the photograph was snapped <G>

LOL - new reactor? old prop? or artistic license?

Any bets on how long it will take before the BLP
webmaster has the image locked, or instead someone
modifies the info file to show that the photo of the
new reactor was snapped over three years ago?

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