I hate to get involved in this cat fight, but when thermite is used, it melts only a very local region which is blown away from the area by the reaction. A molten pool of iron would not be produced. I suspect, as others have suggested, that the huge energy of the collapse would melt the iron, which would run to the lowest point where a pool would form. This would make it look as if a lot more molten iron were present than was actually the case. As for aluminum, the airplane was made of aluminum and aluminum is present in small amounts in building material either as the metal or Al2O3. Therefore, I see nothing unusual about finding aluminum. As for the other speculations, I agree with Jed. If any of the buildings were brought down on purpose, this knowledge would get out. This is too big to keep secret. However, I believe the administration knew this was going to happen but they did not expect the buildings to collapse. They wanted an excuse to ramp up the war on terror but they did not want such a loss. This any many other acts that need to be investigated makes a win by Obama very important.


On Sep 8, 2008, at 9:29 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

----- Original Message ----
From: Jed Rothwell

> You mean NIST and the NYFD and every other fire department and safety
agency on earth has chosen to ignore that. No doubt they are all part
of a grand conspiracy. Get used to it.

Huh? Every other fire department on earth? Get real - better yet get some facts together besides "NIST told me so."

Of course, no fire department, certainly not the NYFD, are part of any grand conspiracy - unless getting at the truth scientifically is now to be labeled as "conspiracy". If you are not consulted, then how can you object?

Is that you definition of conspiracy (getting at the truth scientifically, in spite of a past flawed report) ?

Funny, since this remark is coming from the prime (and eloquent) defender of a technology (LENR) which is also facing similar disproportionate criticism from a stone wall of "experts" who are alighned against it, and who (those experts) are also failing to look at a mountain of evidence pointing the other way.

Even the mayor Rudy Giuliani said weeks after the incident about the NYFD "They were standing on top of a cauldron. They were standing on top of fires 2,000 degrees that raged for a hundred days." [direct quote]

Of course, no one seriously believes that Rudy went out an measured this temperature, but he should have been getting accurate information from the fire chiefs - and this was long before an official report came out.

By the way, and speaking of demolition experts - lets go to the very best CDI.

CDI stands for Controlled Demolition Inc., the world-renowned Baltimore company that uses thermite explosives to implode structures such as WTC7. There is no more hands-on, and knowledgeable company in the trade. Company-founder Jack Loizeaux and his sons have handled many high profile demolitions including the Murrah Building in Okla. City.

Mark Loizeaux, now president of CDI and one of the contractors in the clean-up is quoted in newspaper accounts and television interviews in the weeks following 9/11 as seeing molten steel in the bottoms of elevator shafts "three, four, and five weeks" after the attack.

Is this part of a conspiracy? No - absolutely not. It is the reporting of fact by an observer who had been superbly competent to report on what he has seen directly - unlike the bureaucrats at NIST...

... who seldom go out of the office except to show their bizarre video simulations which do not consider anything below the eight floor - and then to dodge questions about why they did not consider very basic things, like molten steel or like interviewing Mark Loizeaux - years later about why he might have changed some details of his original interview, AFTER the first report came out .


When steel beams were pulled from these glowing pools, and there are videos showing this - many of them still had dripping metal coming from fairly straight cut marks. Was some worker down there in a 2000 degree inferno with a torch? Were these videos faked ? If so why didn't NIST say they are fake videos?

Here is a website put up and maintained by those same NYFD firefighters who Rothwell wants us to believe are "going along" and supporting the flawed NIST official report:


I think someone in the next administration should poll the surviving firemen and clean-up crews.

Know what, I will make a large bet that the great majority will say that there was moltent steel under ground zero for weeks - and even that many will say that there was clear evidence of demolition. Did NIST interview a single firefighter or cleanup crewman?

Nope ... sorry that would have involved getting hands dirty with real eye-witnesses when they gratly prefer a "computer simulation" as if the computer adds some semblance of authority. What a sad joke.


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