>From a recent comment Jones made:

> If you were charged with doing a thorough investigation, would not you at 
> least
> interview him - hopefully with a grant of immunity from future prosecution ?


I'm reminded of what a number of UFO investigators have tried to do
when it came to the objective of trying to find a legitimate "legal"
way of allowing old retired veterans a way to "get it off their chest"
what they knew about certain UFO crash and retrieval operations that
allegedly happened back in 1947, particularly the infamous Roswell

Many UFO books on the subject tell story after story of witnesses
claiming they took an oath (or perhaps they were forced to take an
oath) never to divulge what they knew or participated in - under
penalty of... well, one presumes something very nasty would happen to

Attempts have been made in modern times by several key UFO
investigators to go through proper channels with the objective of
granting immunity to prior oaths on this matter.

To be honest, I don't know how effective such attempts have actually
been. Apparently, not very. It would appear that many either didn't
know anything of interest, or perhaps they just didn't give a damn
anymore. It would appear that many long ago made the personal decision
to take their secrets to the grave.

But obviously, not everyone took their secrets to the grave. For those
who didn't it would appear that their decision to reveal what they
knew had little to do with whether they were legally granted immunity
or not. For some I suspect it finally came to the point that they
simply didn't care anymore what someone or what some organization
(like "the government") could do to them since they were a hairs
breath away from death anyway. Many on their deathbeds eventually
relented and revealed interesting details.

The point of this rambling post is that when it comes to being a
witness to horrific events and/or are privy to details that have
alleged to have transpired in our nation's recent past, it would
appear that attempts to go through official channels in order to grant
these witnesses immunity did not necessarily seem to increase the odds
that they would be more willing to divulge what they know.

I suspect much of that is do to the fact that they simply did not
trust "the government" anymore, no matter what they were now promised.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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