Jones Beene wrote:

If you were charged with doing a thorough investigation, would not you at least interview him - hopefully with a grant of immunity from future prosecution ?

I do not understand this comment. Why would he need a grant of immunity?!? This makes no sense. He is not accused of bringing down the buildings, is he?

If any of the Loizeaux family thinks this was a controlled demolition, I expect they would say so They are well known for speaking their minds, taking risks and supporting unconventional ideas. If they were to write a book supporting this hypothesis they would make millions of dollars so there would be every incentive for them to speak out. Plus, I am sure that if they sincerely believe any such thing they would feel it is their patriotic duty to speak out. Anyone would.

Nothing in the NIST report (or any of NIST's activities) can be used in a court case. There is no chance that criticizing it would lead to legal problems. That would be a violation of the Constitution, and in any case NIST makes no regulations and has no authority in law. It never did. It has always been a strictly scientific organization, like LANL. Quote:

"As part of the NCST Act, no part of any report resulting from investigations can be admitted as evidence or used in any suit or action for damages. Additionally, NIST employees are not permitted to serve as expert witnesses. "

If I were doing a thorough investigation, I would consult with and coordinate with hundreds of leading experts and organizations worldwide, in the construction industry and in the government, such as CII, IAI, IAFSS, ASME, MIT, LANL, Princeton, Georgia Tech, Pen State, W.R. Grace, United Technologies, UL, FM Global and so on. I would have the report thoroughly peer-reviewed by experts in these organizations before publishing. That is what NIST did. You seem to think that all of these experts made horrendous mistakes and overlooked obvious errors. I doubt it. I admit that I am no expert in this subject but I am sure these people are, and the behavior you describe is utterly unlike that of any experts I am acquainted with -- except perhaps the 2004 anti-cold fusion panel reviewers. But you can't compare their situation to the WTI investigators. The CF panel spent a few hours glancing at the subject whereas the people at NIST spent three years. The 2004 anti-CF members were engaged in a cocktail party stunt; they were not staking their careers on the result. They never believed a word of it and they made no bones about that.

By the way, Steve Jones' paper is available at NIST's website:

Some of his anti-cold fusion papers are available at LENR-CANR. Apparently NIST and I agree that the best way to deal with this kind of opposition is to publish it in full. That is not how people who want to avoid a debate or squelch information generally act.

They are way more respectful toward the 9/11 denier-crowd than I am toward the anti-cold fusion people but of course they have to be. They are government agency. See their responses to this item:

"Has NIST responded to those who believe that the WTC towers collapsed in ways other than the mechanisms determined by the NIST investigation?"

Regarding general distrust of the government, let me remind the readers here that the US and Italian governments have been the most honest, reliable, and best supporters of cold fusion. We all know there has been some dishonesty at the DOE and elsewhere. The 2004 report was largely a farce, as I said, although about half of the panel members took an honest & sincere look at the data, which is probably a higher percentage than you would find in a random selection of scientists. Yes, the government has not done enough, but what have the universities and industrial corporations done? Nothing. If it were not for enlightened government agencies and decision makers, cold fusion would be forgotten. In particular, DARPA and the U.S. Navy deserve credit for keeping cold fusion alive and advancing the research.

- Jed

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