OrionWorks wrote:

(1) If cost were no object, and sufficient numbers of American
consumers could afford to purchase HYBRID cars would we be able to
eventually stop importing foreign oil?

No. Hybrid technology is close to maturity already, at ~50 miles per gallon. That is better than double the average US automobile, but probably not enough to eliminate all imports. Anyway, I do not think companies will be making non-plug-in hybrids much longer. It doesn't make sense.

(2) If cost were no object, and sufficient numbers of American
consumers could afford to purchase PLUGIN cars would we be able to
eventually stop importing foreign oil?

Yes. We could join OPEC and export about half of the oil we produce. That's my calculation; other analyses come out lower, but all agree that plug in hybrids could eliminate oil imports. As the technology matures we could export 90% of it, but of course by that time people everywhere else in the world would also be using plug-in hybrid cars and the market for gasoline would collapse.

As the technology matures even more, it is likely that batteries will improve so much that we can dispense with the gasoline motor and make a purely electric vehicle. That will eliminate the need for gasoline, obviously.

What say the experts?

What I just said.

- Jed

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