Yeah right on John.

Christ, 2.10am watching Terminator 2 and a funding interview tomorrow! Guess
I think subconsciously that nothing will come of it.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Steck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 September 2008 01:57
Subject: Re: [Vo]:GM Chevy Volt at CalCars

Kind of a silly question.  We have enough natural resources here to stop 
importing foreign oil any time we want.  We just don't really want to.  Our 
actions, not our pontificating give that away.

The grand irony is I believe the enviro-fascists are the biggest culprits 
who keep us locked into this dependency mode.  They have successfully 
prevented developing any/all domestic production capacity of any kind for 
over 30 years.  Even 'clean' hydro, wind, solar are blocked because of the 
habitat impact on some flipping lizard, tadpole, bat, snail, or obscure 
prairie plant.  Last time I checked evolution is not anywhere near that 
considerate... adapting to sudden extreme change is par for the course, not 
the exception.

That said, I hope we really are heating up the planet (though I know it is 
hubris to think so).  We are going to need to dump as much methane & CO2 as 
we can into the atmosphere just to temper the severe climate changes the 
coming reduced solar output and pending ice age are going to bring in the 
next century.  Our grandkids will thank us some day.

I also place blame at the feet of the pathological liberalists amongst us 
who have no concept of (or who are in complete denial of) basic economic, 
technological, and scientific principals; supply and demand, cause and 
effect, premise and conclusion, structured problem solving, etc.  Very quick

to tell me how I must limit my life 'for the greater good', but adamant 
about the messy bits of their utopian plan not any where near their 
backyard.  How many of the do-gooders would still gladly switch to plug-ins 
if it meant a nuke plant needed to be built at the end of their street to 
feed the little beasties?  I think we all know the answer to that... NIMBY!

Oil is not the enemy.  It's just a convenient target of the truly ignorant. 
You want energy independence?  Attack the most dangerous members of our 
society who stand in the way of it 'for the greater good'.


From: "OrionWorks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 4:20 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:GM Chevy Volt at CalCars

> Hypothetically speaking...
> Two subtle questions:
> (1) If cost were no object, and sufficient numbers of American
> consumers could afford to purchase HYBRID cars would we be able to
> eventually stop importing foreign oil?
> (2) If cost were no object, and sufficient numbers of American
> consumers could afford to purchase PLUGIN cars would we be able to
> eventually stop importing foreign oil?
> What say the experts?
> Regards
> Steven Vincent Johnson

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